Carl Nuzman is a Bell Labs Fellow at Nokia Bell Labs in Murray Hill, New Jersey, where he currently focuses on fundamental aspects of wireless communications and machine learning. Since joining Bell Labs in 2000, he has carried out and managed research in diverse applications including audio signal processing, vectored DSL, optical networking, micro electro-mechanical systems, power control, and traffic modeling. An inventor of 50 US patents, he received his Ph. D. in electrical engineering from Princeton University as well as B.S. degrees in electrical engineering and mathematics from the University of Maryland College Park.
1 Articles found
Princeton University
- Ph. D., Electrical Engineering, 2000.
University of Maryland, College Park
- B.S. Electrical Engineering, 1996.
- B.S. Mathematics, 1996.
Broadband Access Technology: Tutorial
- Evolving the Copper Access Network, M. Timmers, M. Guenach, CN, and J. Maes, IEEE Communications Magazine, v. 51, no. 8, Aug. 2013, pp. 74-79.
- The ITU-T’s New G.vector Standard Proliferates 100 Mb/s DSL, V. Oksman, H. Schenk, A. Clausen, J. M. Cioffi, M. Mohseni, G. Ginis, CN, J. Maes, M. Peeters, K. Fisher, P.-E. Eriksson, IEEE Comm. Mag., 48(10), 2010.
DSL Spectral and Energy Management
- Energy Management of DSL Systems: Experimental Findings, M. Guenach, M. Ben Ghorbel, CN, K. Hooghe, M. Timmers, J. Maes, IEEE Globecom 2013.
- Power-efficient Copper Access, M. Guenach, CN, J. Maes, M. Peeters, Y. Li, D. Van Bruyssel, and F. Defoort, Bell Labs Technical Journal, 15(2), 2010.
- Reduced dimensional power optimization using class AB and G line drivers in DSL, M. Guenach, CN, K. Hooghe, J. Maes, M. Peeters, Greencom 3, Dec. 2010
- Performance of Digital Subscriber Line Spectrum Optimization Algorithms, M. Zivkovic, G. Kramer, CN, C. Posthuma, J. Wheeler, P. Whiting, and A. de Lind van Wijngaarden, Bell Labs Technical Journal, v. 13, n. 1, Spring 2008.
DSL Vectoring
- Analysis of Inverse Crosstalk Channel Estimation via SNR Feedback, P. Whiting, G. Kramer, CN, A. Ashikhmin, A. de Lind van Wijngaarden, M. Zivkovic, IEEE Trans. Sig. Proc., vol.59, March 2011.
- Pilot-based Crosstalk Channel Estimation for Vector-Enabled VDSL Systems, J. Maes, CN, A. van Wijngaarden, D. van Bruyssel, CISS 2010, Mar. 2010
Wireless Signaling
- Mitigating Signaling Overhead from Multi-mode Mobile Terminals, Indra Widjaja and CN, International Teletraffic Conference (ITC), Sep. 2011.
- Modeling LTE/UMTS Deployment with Patchy Coverage, I. Widjaja, H. La Roche, CN, Vehicular Technology Conference 2010, Sep. 2010.
Non-linear extensions of Perron-Frobenius theory
- Contraction Approach to Power Control, with Non-Monotonic Applications, CN, GLOBECOM 2007, Nov. 2007.
Occupancy Problems
- Large deviation asymptotics for occupancy problems , P. Dupuis, P. Whiting, and CN, Annals of Probability, 32, pp. 2765-2818, 2004.
- Large deviations principle for occupancy problems with colored balls, P. Dupuis, CN, and P. Whiting, J. Applied Probability, 44, pp. 115-141, 2007.
Optical networks
- Wavelength assignment for partially transparent networks with reach constraints, K. Kumaran, C. J. Nuzman, and I. Widjaja, J. Opt. Netw. ,2, pp. 285-302, August 2003.
- Time-domain Wavelength Interleaved Networking with Wavelength Reuse, CN and I. Widjaja, IEEE INFOCOM 2006, April 23-29, 2006.
- Simulation of Power Evolution and Control Dynamics in Optical Transport Systems, T. K. Ho, T. Salamon, R. Freund, C. White, B. Hillyer, L. Cowsar, CN, D. Kilper, Bell Labs Technical Journal, 10(1), pp. 119-137, Spring 2005.
Crossconnect and switch dimensioning
- Network capacity recovery and efficient capacity deployment in switching centers, N. Nithi, CN, and B. Y. C. Tang, Bell Labs Technical Journal, 9(4), pp. 83-100, Winter 2005.
- ROADM enabled optimization in WDM rings, P. Risbood, CN, N. Nithi, and S. Patel, Proc. Optical Fiber Commun. Conf. (OFC2005), OWG1, March 2005.
- Design and implementation of wavelength-flexible network nodes, CN, J. Leuthold, R. Ryf, S. Chandrasekhar, C. R. Giles, D. T. Neilson, J. Lightwave Technology, Special issue on Optical MEMS, 21:3, March 2003.
- Optical switch dimensioning and the classical occupancy problem, V. Eramo, M. Listanti, CN, and P. Whiting, Intern. J. of Commun. Syst., 15:2/3, pp. 127-141, March 2002.
- Effects of modularity and connectivty on OADM deployment in ring networks, CN, K. Kumaran, N. Nithi, I. Saniee, D. Levy, P. Mitev, Proc. Optical Fiber Commun. Conf. (OFC 2003), WH5, pp. 360-361, March 2003.
Crossconnect implementation and training
- Performance of an optical switch based on 3-D MEMS crossconnect, A. Olkhovets, P. Phanaphat, CN, D.J. Shin, C. Lichtenwalner, M. Kozhevnikov, and J. Kim, Photonics Technology Letters, 16:3, pp. 780-782, March 2004.
- 256x256 Optical Crossconnect Subsystem, D.T.Neilson, R.Frahm, P.Kolodner, C.A.Bolle, R.Ryf, J.Kim, A.R.Papazian, C.J.Nuzman,A.Gasparyan, N.R.Basavanhally, V.A.Aksyuk, J.V.Gates, IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology, 22:6, pp.1499-1509, 2004.
Longe-Range Dependence and Self-Similar Processes
- A compound model for TCP connection arrivals, with applications to LAN and WAN , CN, I. Saniee, W. Sweldens, and A. Weiss, Computer Networks, Special Issue on Long-Range Dependent Traffic, 40:3, pp. 319-337, October 2002.
- Reproducing kernel Hilbert space methods for wide-sense self-similar processes, CN and H. V. Poor, Annals of Applied Probability, 11(4), November 2001, pp. 1199-1219.
- The Linear Structure of Self-Similar Processes, C. Nuzman, Ph.D. thesis, Princeton University, November 2000.
- Linear estimation of self-similar processes via Lamperti's transformation, CN and H. V. Poor, Journal of Applied Probability, 37(2), June 2000, pp. 429-452.
- On the linear structure of self-similar processes, CN and H. V. Poor, Proc. IEEE Intern. Symp. Info. Theory, June 2000, p. 498.