- Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics, Thesis: Multiscale tools for data analysis, Advisors: Prof. Achi Brandt and Prof. Edriss Titi, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel. 2004-2008
- M.Sc. in Applied Mathematics, Thesis: A fast multi-scale clustering algorithm with application to cold and dark matter simulations, Advisor: Prof. Achi Brandt, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot,Israel, 2001-2004
- B.Sc. in Computer Science, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel, 1997-2001
Selected Articles and Publications
- D. Kushnir, B. Mirabelli, Active Community Detection with Maximal Expected Model Change, AISTATS, 2020 (oral presentation)
- D. Kushnir, S. Jalali, I. Saniee, Towards Clustering High-dimensional Gaussian Mixture Clouds in Linear Running Time. AISTATS 2019
- V. Gurbani, D. Kushnir, V. Mendiratta, C. Phadke, E. Falk, R. State, Detecting and Predicting Outage in Mobile Networks with Log Data, ICC, 2017
- D. Kushnir, M. Goldstein, Causality inference for Failures in NFV, INFOCOM workshops, 929-934 ,2016
- A. Akyamac, C. Phadke, D. Kushnir, H. Uzunalioglu, Predicting Home Network Problems Using Diverse Data, Sarnoff Symposium, 1-6, 2015
- D. Kushnir, Efficient Active Learning with Label-Adapted Kernels, ACM 20th conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (ACM SIGKDD 2014), NYC.
- C. Phadke, H. Uzunalioglu, V. Mendiratta, D. Kushnir, D. Doran, Prediction of Subscriber Churn Using Social Network Analysis, Bell Labs Technical Journal, (BLTJ), 17(4), 63-75, 2013
- R. Talmon, D. Kushnir, R. R. Coifman, Israel Cohen, Sharon Gannot, Parametrization of Linear Systems Using Diffusion Kernels, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 60(3), (2012)
- A. Haddad, D. Kushnir, R. R. Coifman, Filtering via a reference set, revised for Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis (ACHA) (2011)
- D. Kushnir, A. Haddad, R. R. Coifman, Anisotropic diffusion on sub-manifolds with application to
Earth structure classification, Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis (ACHA), 32(2), 280–294 (2012) - D. Kushnir, V. Rokhlin, A highly accurate stiff ODEs solver, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing
(SISC), 34(3), 1296–1315 (2012) - D. Kushnir, M. Galun, A. Brandt, Efficient multilevel eigensolvers with applications to data analysis tasks, IEEE Transaction on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI), vol. 32(8), 1377–1391 (2010)
- Y. Goldberg, A. Zakai, D. Kushnir, Y. Ritov, Manifold Learning: the price of normalization, Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR), vol. 9, 1909-1939 (2008)
- D. Kushnir, M. Galun, A. Brandt, Fast multiscale clustering and manifold identification, special issue on similarity-based pattern recognition, Pattern Recognition, 39(10), 1876–1891 (2006)
- D. Kushnir, J. Schumacher, A. Brandt, Geometry of intensive scalar dissipation events in turbulence, Physical Review Letters 97, 124502 (2006) (cover page)
- J. Schumacher, D. Kushnir, A. Brandt, K. R. Sreenivasan, and H. Zilken, Statistics and geometry in high-Schmidt number scalar mixing, Proceedings of the iTi Conference in Turbulence, Progress in Turbulence II, Springer Proceedings in Physics (2005)
- NC324696 ACTO: An Efficeint System For Data Annotation And Model Building
- NC321942 Focused training of deep neural nets for classification of imagery data, filed, 2020
- NC317813 On-the-fly Active Learning for Acceleration of Deep Learning Training for Video and Imagery Data Classification, filed, 2019
- NC307291 Active deep learning with applications to image and data classification, 2018
- 10541880 Control of data reporting for a data analytics service using an active learning framework
- NC103295 Active Learning Framework and Architecture for IoT Analytics Services, granted, 2018
- 820588-EP-EPA A Method for Identifying Causality Objects, filed
- 818893-US-NP Alarm Causality Templates for Network Function Virtualization
- 816508-US-NP Root Cause Analysis For Service Degradation In Computer Networks (US9424121)
- 818347-US-NP Optimized Radio Frequency Signal Strength Sampling Of A Broadcast Area For Device Localization, (US9571976)
- 812168US-NP System and Method for Generating Subscriber Churn Predictions, (US8804929)
- 814019US-NP Data Classifier Using Proximity Graphs, Edge Weights, And Propagation Labels (US20140317034)
- 814359US-NP Adaptive Polling of Information from a Device (US9032119)
- 810349US-NP Method and Apparatus for Deriving Composite Tie Metric for Edge Between Nodes of Telecommunication Call Graph, (US9159077)
- 815307-US-NP Classification Of Device Problems Of Customer Premises Devices, (US20150278823)
- Member of the Center for Discrete Mathematics and Computer Science (DIMACS) at Rutgers University
- Organizer of the Applied Mathematics Seminar at Yale University
- Member of the Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM)
- Review Writer for Mathematical Reviews (MR) of the American Mathematical Society (AMS)
- PhD thesis examiner
- Reviewer in the following venues and journals:
- Conferences: NeurIps, ICML, ICLR, AAAI, AISTATS, ISIT.
- Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR)
- IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI)
- Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis (ACHA)
- SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing (SISC)
- SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications
- Numerical Linear Algebra with applications
- Journal of Global Optimization
- IEEE Signal Processing Letters
- IEEE Intelligent Systems
- Computers and Mathematics with Applications
- Bell Labs Technical Journal
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Selected Articles and Publications