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Doutje Van Veen

Doutje Van Veen

Murray Hill, NJ, USA

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DOUTJE VAN VEEN works as a Principle Investigator in the Bell Labs Optical Access Research Program in Murray Hill, New Jersey, USA.

Doutje joined Bell Labs in 2000.  She has been a Lead Engineer in a team that has developed a number of early system demonstrations and has done research for several generations of PON.

Dr. van Veen’s research has focused on many aspects of the physical layer in optical access which resulted into several published papers and patents.


M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from the University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands

Selected Articles and Publications
  •  “Measurement and Mitigation of Wavelength Drift due to Self-Heating of Tunable Burst-Mode DML for TWDM-PON”,  Doutje van Veen, Wolfgang Poehlmann, Bob Farah, Thomas Pfeiffer, Peter Vetter, paper W1D.6 (top-scored) in Proceedings OFC 2014, San Francisco.
  •  “System Demonstration of a Time and Wavelength-Set Division Multiplexing PON,” Doutje van Veen, Wolfgang Pöhlmann, Joe Galaro, Bernhard Deppisch, Alex Duque, Man Fai Lau, Bob Farah, Thomas Pfeiffer, Peter Vetter, in Proceedings ECOC 2013, September 2013, London, UK, paper: We.3.F.2.
  •  “26-Gbps PON Transmission over 40-km using Duobinary Detection with a Low Cost 7-GHz APD-Based Receiver,” Doutje van Veen, Vincent E. Houtsma, Peter Winzer, and Peter Vetter, in European Conference and Exhibition on Optical Communication, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 16, 2012, TDM PON II (Tu.3.B)“Demonstration of low-Power bit-Interleaving TDM PON,” H. Chow, D. Suvakovic, D. Van Veen, A. Dupas, R. Boislaigue, R. Farah, M. F. Lau, J. Galaro, G. Qua, N. P. Anthapadmanabhan, G. Torfs, C. Van Praet, X. Yin, and P. Vetter, 38th European Conference and Exhibition on Optical Communication, Mo.2.B.1 (2012).
  • “Options for TDM PON beyond 10G,” Doutje van Veen, Dusan Suvakovic, Hungkei Chow, Vincent Houtsma, Ed Harstead, Peter J. Winzer, and Peter Vetter in Access Networks and In-house Communications, Colorado Springs, Colorado, June 17, 2012, PON technology trends (AW2A) (invited)
  •  “Demonstration of a Symmetrical 10/10 Gbit/s XG-PON2 System”, Dora van Veen, Dusan Suvakovic, Man Fai Lau, Heinz Krimmel, Adriaan J. de Lind van Wijngaarden, Joe Galaro, Jacques Dungee, Bob Farah, Steve Corteselli, Bill Weeber, Roy Tebbe, Dave Eckard, Joe Smith, John Bouchard, Jim Kotch, and Peter Vetter in conference proceedings of OFC2011

She is serving as a member of the Technical Program Committee ‘Access, Local Area and Home Networks’ for ECOC 2014.

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