I received the B.Sc. degree in electrical engineering and computer science in 1996 from the University of Novi Sad, Serbia, and the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from Wireless Information Network Laboratory (WINLAB), Rutgers University, USA, in 2000 and 2004, respectively. Since 2000 I have been with Bell Labs, where I have been involved in the next generation wireless system research. My research interests include analysis, design, and experimental evaluation of radio access solutions. Recently I have been focusing on radio access implementation platforms (dedicated SoC/ASIC and CoTS) and Cloud RAN. I am currently managing research work at four international Nokia Bell Labs locations. I received the Bell Labs Fellow award in 2017.
I teach and mentor students at the University of Novi Sad, covering communication networks, signal processing and deep learning. I taught a number of courses, including at Columbia University, and held numerous technical workshops around the world. I authored over 50 peer-reviewed publications and numerous patents granted and pending.
I was born in Kikinda, Serbia.
D. Chizhik et al., "Directional Measurements and Propagation Models at 28 GHz for Reliable Factory Coverage", IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 2022.
B. Gokalgandhi, M. Tavares, D. Samardzija, I. Seskar, H. Gacanin, "Reliable Low-Latency Wi-Fi Mesh Networks", IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2021.
T. Sizer, D. Samardzija, H, Viswanathan, S. Le, S. Bidkar, P. Dom, E. Harstead, T. Pfeiffer, "Integrated Solutions for Deployment of 6G Mobile Networks", IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology, 2021.
M. Uusitalo, H. Viswanathan, H. Kokkoniemi-Tarkkanen, A. Grudnitsky, M. Moisio, T. Härkönen, P. Yli-Paunu, S. Horsmanheimo, D. Samardzija, "Ultra-Reliable and Low-Latency 5G Systems for Port Automation", IEEE Communications Magazine. August 2021.
B. Todorovic, D. Samardzija, "Road Lighting Energy-saving System Based on Wireless Sensor Network", Springer Energy Efficiency, Volume 10, Issue 1, pp 239–247, 2017.
Z. Lukac, S. Ocovaj, D. Samardzija, M. Temerinac, "Fast Edge-preserving Gravity-like Image Interpolation", Computer Science and Information Systems COMSIS, Volume. 14, pp. 153–173, 2017.
B. Guo, W. Cao, A. Tao, and D. Samardzija, "LTE/LTE-A Signal Compression on the CPRI Interface", Bell Labs Technical Journal 18 (2), pp. 117-133, 2013.
D. Samardzija, J. Pastalan, M. MacDonald, S. Walker, R. Valenzuela, "Compressed Transport of Baseband Signals in Radio Access Networks", IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Volume 11, Issue 9, pp. 3216 - 3225, 2012.
B. Mrazova, M. Bjelica, D. Kukolj, B. Todorovic, D. Samardzija, "A Human Detection Method for Residential Smart Energy Systems Based on Zigbee RSSI Changes", IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, vol.58, no.3, pp.819-824, August 2012.
D. Samardzija, N. Teslic, B. Todorovic, E. Kovac, Dj. Isailovic, B. Miladinovic, “Road Nail: Experimental Solar Powered Intelligent Road Marking System”, Journal of Electrical Engineering, vol. 63, no. 2, pp. 65-74, 2012.
F. Verde, Y. Hong, D. Samardzija, R. Schober, Z. Tao, “Editorial on Cooperative MIMO Multicell Networks”, EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 2012.
J. Kovacevic, D. Samardzija, M. Temerinac, "Joint Coding Rate Control for Audio Streaming in Short Range Wireless Networks", IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 2009.
Z. Ma, M. Zierdt, J. Pastalan, A. Siegel, T. Sizer, A. Wijngaarden, P. Kasireddy, D. Samardzija, "RADIOSTAR: Providing Wireless Coverage Over Gigabit Ethernet", Bell Labs Technical Journal 14, pp. 7–24, 2009.
J. Ling, D. Chizhik, D. Samardzija, R. Valenzuela, “Peer-to-Peer MIMO Radio Channel Measurements in a Rural Area”, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 6, pp. 3229 - 3237, September 2007.
D. Samardzija, N. Mandayam, “Impact of Pilot Design on Achievable Data Rates in Multiple Antenna Multiuser TDD Systems”, IEEE JSAC, Special Issue on Optimization of MIMO Transceivers, vol. 25, pp. 1370 - 1379, September 2007.
D. Samardzija, N. Mandayam, “Unquantized and Uncoded Channel State Information Feedback in Multiple Antenna Multiuser Systems”, IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 54, pp. 1335 - 1345, July 2006.
D. Samardzija, N. Mandayam, D. Chizhik, "Adaptive Transmitter Optimization in Multiuser Multiantenna Systems: Theoretical Limits, Effect of Delays and Performance Enhancements", EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, no. 3, pp. 298-307, August 2005.
D. Samardzija, A. Lozano, C. Papadias, "Design and Experimental Validation of MIMO Multiuser Detection for Downlink Packet Data", EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing, no. 11, pp. 1769-1778, July 2005.
D. Samardzija, N. Mandayam, "Pilot Assisted Estimation of MIMO Fading Channel Response and Achievable Data Rates", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Special Issue on MIMO, vol. 51, pp. 2882-2890, November 2003.
A. Burg, E. Beck, D. Samardzija, M. Rupp, et al., "Prototype Experience for MIMO BLAST over Third Generation Wireless System", IEEE JSAC on MIMO Systems and Applications: Part I, vol. 21, pp. 440-451, April 2003.
D. Samardzija, C. Papadias, R. Valenzuela, "Experimental Evaluation of Unsupervised Channel Deconvolution for Wireless Multiple-Transmitter/Multiple-Receiver Systems", Electronics Letters IEE, September 2002.
D. Samardzija, N. Mandayam, I. Seskar, "Blind Successive Interference Cancellation for DS-CDMA Systems", IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 50, pp. 276-290, February 2002.
D. Samardzija, N. Mandayam, I. Seskar, "Multistage Nonlinear Blind Interference Cancellation for DS-CDMA Systems", Journal of VLSI Signal Processing 30, pp. 257-271, 2002 Kluwer Academic Press.
Deep Learning for Autonomous Vehicles, D. Samardzija, M. Milosevic, Textbook in Serbian. FTN, University of Novi Sad, 2021
Multiple Antenna Channels: Capacity, Coding and Signal Processing, edited by G.J. Foschini and S. Verdu, DIMACS Series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, American Mathematical Society, 2002, D. Samardzija, N. Mandayam "Pilot Assisted Estimation of MIMO Fading Channel Response and Achievable Data Rates", Part III