I am a Member of Technical Staff at Bell Labs since 2018, associated with ENSA lab, coordinating with Sameer Sharma, concentrating on disruptive networking paradigms as part of Future X vision. Between 2016-2017, I was a postdoctoral researcher at MIT and CentraleSupélec, working with Muriel Médard and Mérouane Debbah respectively. I obtained my Ph.D. at CentraleSupélec in December 2015, focusing on distributed caching methods in small cell networks.
I am in the executive or technical committee of flagship conferences, including IEEE WCNC 2014, EuCNC 2015, IEEE BlackSeaCom 2015, IEEE ICC 2017, PIMRC 2019, and WCNC 2021. I am also a regular TPC member of IEEE conferences, and chair of several international workshops. I am currently an associate editor of IEEE Communications Letters.
My research interests are in the field of information theory, machine learning and communications.
- PostDoc, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2016-2017
- PostDoc, CentraleSupélec, 2016 - 2017
- PhD, CentraleSupélec, 2012-2015
Please see my Google Scholar profile for detailed and updated list of publications.