- Ph.D., Jan. 2001, Department of Computer Science,
Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University, New York - Master of Engineering, Jul. 1995, Institute of Software,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China - Bachelor of Science, Jul. 1992, Department of Computer Science,
National University of Defense Technology, Changsha, China
Selected Articles and Publications
- Y. Ren, L. O'Gorman, L. Wu, F. Chang, T. Wood, J. Zhang, “Authenticating Lossy Surveillance Video”, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, Vol. 8. No.10, 2013.
- Fangzhe Chang, Ramesh Viswanathan, Thomas L. Wood, “Placement in Clouds for Application-Level Latency Requirements”, IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing, Hawaii, June, 2012.
- Fangzhe Chang, Peter S. Fales, Moritz Steiner, Ramesh Viswanathan, Thomas J. Williams, Thomas L. Wood, “Mitigating High Latency Outliers for Cloud-Based Telecommunication Services”, Bell Labs Technical Journal, Vol. 17, Issue 2, September 2012.
- Jennifer Ren, Fangzhe Chang, and Thomas L. Wood, “Efficient Video Copy Detection via Aligning Video Signature Time Series”, ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR), 2012.
- Fangzhe Chang, Pavithra Prabhakar, Ramesh Viswanathan, “Behavior Based Service Composition”, 8th International Workshop on Web Services and Formal Methods (WS-FM'11), September 2011.
- Fangzhe Chang, Jennifer Ren, and Ramesh Viswanathan, “Optimal Resource Allocation in Clouds”, IEEE 3rd International Conference on Cloud Computing, Miami, August 2010.
- Fangzhe Chang, Jennifer Ren, Ramesh Viswanathan, “Optimal Resource Allocation for Batch Testing”, IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification, and Validation (ICST 2009), Denver, April 2009.
- Fangzhe Chang and Jennifer Ren, “Validating System Properties Exhibited in Execution Traces”, 22nd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2007), Atlanta, 2007.
- Jennifer Ren and Fangzhe Chang, “ATTEST: A Testing Toolkit for Validating Software Properties”, 23rd IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM 2007), Paris, 2007.
- Bin Yao, Ramesh Viswanathan, Fangzhe Chang, and Daniel Waddington, “Topology Inference in the Presence of Anonymous Routers”, IEEE INFOCOM 2003, San Francisco, 2003.
- Daniel Waddington, Fangzhe Chang, Ramesh Viswanathan, Bin Yao, “Topology discovery for public IPv6 networks”, ACM Computer Communication Review 33(3), 2003.
- Daniel Waddington and Fangzhe Chang, “Realizing the Transition to IPv6”, IEEE communications magazine, June 2002.
- Fangzhe Chang and Vijay Karamcheti, “A Framework for Automatic Adaptation of Tunable Distributed Applications”, Cluster Computing: The Journal of Networks, Software Tools and Applications, Vol 4(1), 2001. Invited submission of an extended version of the HPDC paper.
- Fangzhe Chang and Vijay Karamcheti, “Automatic Configuration and Run-time Adaptation of Distributed Applications”, Ninth IEEE Intl. Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing (HPDC), August 2000.
- Fangzhe Chang, Ayal Itzkovitz, and Vijay Karamcheti, “User-level Resource-constrained Sandboxing”, Fourth USENIX Windows System Symposium, August 2000.
- Fangzhe Chang, Vijay Karamcheti, and Zvi Kedem, “Exploiting Application Tunability for Efficient, Predictable Resource Management in Distributed and Parallel System”, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Vol 60(11), 2000. Invited submission of an extended version of the IPPS paper.
- Fangzhe Chang, Vijay Karamcheti, and Zvi Kedem, “Exploiting Application Tunability for Efficient, Predictable Parallel Resource Management”, Thirteenth International Parallel Processing Symposium (IPPS/SPDP 1999), April 1999.