Gopalasingham Aravinthan received the BS degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering from Anna University, India, in 2006, and the Master of Engineering degree in ICT from AIT Thailand in 2013. He obtained his PhD degree in Computer Science from the Telecom Sud Paris / University of Paris Saclay, France in 2017. He is currently a Research Engineer in the Mobile Networks Systems Department within the Network Systems and Security Research Lab at Bell Labs. His current research interests include 6G network systems, Open RAN, software-defined networking, network function virtualization, mobile network orchestration.
- Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI)
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Computer Science
2013 – 2017
SDN Based Service Oriented Architecture for Future Wireless Networks - Telecom SudParis
Master of Science (M.Sc.), Communication Networks and Services
2011 – 2012 - Asian Institute of Technology
Master of Engineering (M.Eng.), Information and Communication Technology
2009 – 2012 - Anna University, India
Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.), Electronics and Communication Engineering
2002 – 2006
Selected Articles and Publications
- Edge Computing for 5G Netwoks, White Paper 5G-PPP, 2021
- Demo Abstract: Monitoring Virtualized Telco Services for Multisided Platforms with SQL-like Query Y Tseng, S Imadali, D Houatra, G Aravinthan, L Thoma, IEEE INFOCOM 2019-IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops
- Yuchia Tseng, Gopalasingham Aravinthan, Sofiane Imadali, Drissa Houatra and Bruno Mongazon-Cazavet: "SPaaS-NFV: Enabling Stream-Processing-as-a-Service for NFV", The 8th IEEE International Symposium on Cloud and Services Computing, Nov 2018, Paris, France
- Oemer Bulakci, Qing Wei, Gopalasingham Arainthan, Antonio De Deminico, Mehrdad Shariat "Identifying 5G System Enhancements: Enabling Technologies for Multi-Service Networks", 2018 IEEE Conference on Standards for Communications and Networking (CSCN), Paris, France
- "A Flexible Network Architecture for 5G Systems," Mehrdad Shariat, Ömer Bulakci, Antonio De Domenico, Christian Mannweiler, Marco Gramaglia, Qing Wei, Gopalasingham Aravinthan , Emmanouil Pateromichelakis, Fabrizio Moggio, Dimitris Tsolkas, Marcos Rate Crippa and Sina Khatibi , Hindawi special issue on "Flexible and Adaptive 5G Mobile Network Architecture Design for E2E Network Slicing"
- Bogdan Uscumlic, Jesse E. Simsarian, Arnaud Dupas, Eric Dutisseuil, Gopalasingham Aravinthan, Thierry Zami, Sébastien Bigo, Yvan Pointurier: Cost efficient network slicing for optical packet switched torus data centers. ICC 2017: 1-7
- Aravinthan Gopalasingham, Dalia-Georgiana Herculea, Chung Shue Chen, Laurent Roullet: Virtualization of radio access network by Virtual Machine and Docker: Practice and performance analysis. IM 2017: 680-685
- Diomidis S. Michalopoulos, Borislava Gajic, Beatriz Gallego-Nicasio Crespo, Aravinthan Gopalasingham, Jakob Belschner: Network Resilience in Virtualized Architectures. IMCL 2017: 824-839
- Matteo Artuso, Dora Boviz, Aleksandra Checko, Henrik Lehrmann Christiansen, Bruno Clerckx, Laura Cottatellucci, David Gesbert, Bobby Gizas, Aravinthan Gopalasingham, Faheem A. Khan, Jean Marc Kelif, Ralf R. Müller, Dimitrios Ntaikos, Konstantinos Ntougias, Constantinos B. Papadias, Borzoo Rassouli, Mohammad Ali Sedaghat, Tharmalingam Ratnarajah, Laurent Roullet, Stéphane Sénécal, Haifan Yin, Lin Zhou: Enhancing LTE with Cloud-RAN and Load-Controlled Parasitic Antenna Arrays. IEEE Communications Magazine: 183-191 (2016)
- Dora Boviz, Nivine Abbas, Gopalasingham Aravinthan, Chung Shue Chen, Mohamed Amine Dridi: Multi-cell coordination in Cloud RAN: Architecture and optimization. WINCOM 2016: 271-277
- Gopalasingham Aravinthan , P.V. Quan, L. Roullet, C. S. Chen, E; Renault, L. Natariani, S. De Marchi, “Software-Defined Mobile Backhaul for Future Train to Ground Communication Services” Accepted to IFIP WMNC 2016.
- Gopalasingham Aravinthan , P.V. Quan, L. Roullet, C. S. Chen, E; Renault, L. Natariani, S. De Marchi ,“ Demo Poster : SDN for Future Train to Ground Communication Services” Accepted to ACM MobiSys 2016.
- Gopalasingham Aravinthan , L. Roullet, N. Trabelsi, C. S. Chen, A. Hebbar, and E. Bizouarn, “Generalized software defined network platform for radio access networks,” in IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC), 2016
- A. Outatgarts, L. Roullet, B. Mongazon-Cazavet , Gopalasingham Aravinthan “When IT meets Teleco: RAN as a Service,” accepted to 8th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing, 2016
- D. Boviz, Gopalasingham Aravinthan, C. S. Chen, L. Roullet , ”Physical Layer Split for User Selective Uplink Joint Reception in SDN Enabled Cloud-RAN”, AUSCTW 2016.
- Teerapat Sanguankotchakorn, Gopalasingham Aravinthan, Nobuhiko Sugino , "Adaptive Channel Access Mechanism for Real Time Traffic over IEEE 802.11e Wi-Fi Network " ,2013 4th International Conference on Intelligent Systems, Modelling and Simulation
- Dynamic shared protection using redundant network paths , B Uscumlic, G Aravinthan, US Patent 10,972,382
- Concurrent interfaces between a probe and applications that monitor virtual network functions Y Tseng, G Aravinthan, B Uscumlic, P Liat, G Rodriguez-Navas, US Patent 11,303,554
- Smart cache control for mission-critical and high priority traffic flows, Y Tseng, B Uscumlic, G Aravinthan, B Al Jammal, US Patent 11,394,651
- Safe port removal, Y Tseng, G Aravinthan, B Uscumlic, US Patent App. 17/208,183
- Multidimensional fpga virtualization, B Uscumlic, Y Tseng, G Aravinthan, US Patent App. 17/240,052
- Inter-packet communication of machine learning information , B Uscumlic, G Aravinthan, L Natarianni, US Patent 11,528,347
- Mini-logs transformation for light-weight intelligent control plane, Y Tseng, G Aravinthan, B Uscumlic, US Patent 11,627,038