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Haik Mardoyan

Haik Mardoyan

Paris-Saclay, France

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HAIK MARDOYAN is a research engineer within Bell Labs Optical Networks research domain at the Centre of Villarceaux in Nozay, France. He got the diploma “Master of research in sciences and technology in fundamental physics and optronics” from University of Paris Sud, France. During his 14 years with Alcatel-Lucent, he has taken part in large-scale experiments and records in the field of wavelength division multiplexing transmissions, both terrestrial and submarine. Currently, he works for two research activities related to dynamic optical networks for metropolitan, datacenter, and access architectures. He is the first author of 1 postdeadline paper, the coauthor of 20 postdeadline papers at major conferences (Optical Fiber Communication Conference, European Conference on Optical Communication, Optical Amplifiers and their Applications Conference, OptoElectronics and Communications Conference), the coauthor of more than 70 journal and conference papers, and holds three patents. He has participated in several European and French national projects (e.g. COHDEQ40;  MIRTHE; MICROS; 100GRIA; STRADE) and is currently leading the Bell Labs support for the HENIAC project funded by the “France’s Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR)”. The goal of this project is to investigate “High spectral Efficiency 400G/1T Optical Networks Powered by very hIgh speed Digital-to-Analog Converters”. He is also co-leader of the PANTHER FP7 European project (“PAssive and electro-optic polymer photonics and InP electronics iNtegration for multi-flow Terabit transceivers at edge SDN switcHes and data-center gateways”) whose aim is to develop multi-flow transceivers with exceptional flexibility with a total net capacity up to 1.2 Tb/s.

Selected Articles and Publications

Post-Deadline papers in first tier conferences


[01]   Du Mouza, L.; Le Meur, G.; Mardoyan, H.; Seve, E.; Cussat-Blanc, S.; Hamoir, D.; Martinelli, C.; Bayart, D.; Raineri, F.; Pierre, L.; Dany, B.; Leclerc, O.; Hamaide, J.P.; de Montmorillon, L.A.; Beaumont, F.; Sillard, P.; Nouchi, P.; Hugbart, A.; Uhel, R.; Granpierre, G.; “1.28 Tbit/s (32×40 Gbit/s) WDM transmission over 2400 km of TeraLightTM/Reverse TeraLight(C) fibres using distributed all-Raman amplification”; SubOptics’01; session postdeadline PDP2-1, Kyoto (Japon), 20-24 May 2001


[02]   G. Charlet, S. Lanne, L. Pierre, C. Simonneau, P. Tran, H. Mardoyan, P. Brindel, M. Gorlier, J.-C. Antona, M. Molina, P. Sillard, J. Godin, W. Idler, S. Bigo, “Cost-optimized 6.3Tbit/s-capacity terrestrial link over 17x100km using Phase-Shaped Binary Transmission in a conventional all-EDFA SMF-based system”, Optical Fiber Communications Conference (OFC’03), session postdeadline PD25, Atlanta, 23-28 March 2003

[03]   G. Charlet, J.-P. Thiery, P. Tran, H. Mardoyan, J.-C. Antona, C. Martinelli, S. Bigo, “80x10.7Gbit/s with NRZ, RZ and RZ-DPSK formats over sixty 100-km long terrestrial (non dispersion managed) fiber spans with all-Raman amplification”, in proc. Topical Meeting on Optical Amplifiers and their Applications, OAA'03, session postdeadline PDP1, Otaru, 7-9 July 2003

[04]   G. Charlet, J. Lazaro, E. Corbel, P. Tran, A. Klekamp, T. Lopez, H. Mardoyan, W. Idler, A. Konczykowska, J.-P. Thiéry, R. Dischler, S. Bigo, “One-hundred WDM-channel transatlantic transmission experiment at 43Gbit/s using Raman repeaters with large 65km spacing”, European Conference on Optical Communications (ECOC’03), session postdeadline Th.4.3.3, Rimini,.21-25 Sept. 2003


[05]   G. Charlet, E. Corbel,  J. Lazaro, A. Klekamp, R. Dischler, P. Tran, W. Idler, H. Mardoyan, A. Konczykowska, F. Jorge, S. Bigo, “WDM Transmission at 6 Tbit/s capacity over transatlantic distance, using 42.7Gb/s Differential Phase-Shift Keying without pulse carver”, Optical Fiber Communications Conference (OFC’04), session postdeadline PDP36, Los Angeles, 22-27 Feb 2004

[06]   G. Charlet, R. Dischler, A. Klekamp, P. Tran, H. Mardoyan, L. Pierre, W. Idler, S. Bigo, “WDM Bit-to-Bit Alternate-Polarisation RZ-DPSK transmission at 40x42.7Gbit/s over transpacific distance with large Q-factor margin”, European Conference on Optical Communications (ECOC’04), session postdeadline, paper Th4.4.5., Stockholm, 5-9 Sept. 2004


[07]   G. Charlet, H. Mardoyan, P. Tran, A. Klekamp, M. Astruc, M. Lefrançois, S. Bigo, “Upgrade of 10Gbit/s Ultra Long Haul System to 40Gbit/s thanks to APol RZ-DPSK modulation format”, in proc.  10th OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC’05), postdeadline session, paper PDP-2, Seoul, 2005

[08]   Gabriel Charlet, P. Tran, H. Mardoyan, M. Lefrançois, T. Fauconnier, F. Jorge, S. Bigo, « 151x43Gb/s transmission over 4,080km based on Return-to-Zero-Differential Quadrature Phase-Shift Keying”, in proc. ECOC’05, postdeadline session, Paper Th 4.1.3, Glasgow, Scotland, 2005


[09]   G. Charlet, N. Maaref, J. Renaudier, H. Mardoyan, P. Tran, S. Bigo, “Transmission of 40Gbit/s QPSK with coherent detection over ultra-long distance improved by nonlinearity mitigation”, in Proc. European Conference on Optical Comm. (ECOC’06), postdeadline paper Th.4.3.4, Cannes, 2006


[10]   G. Charlet, J. Renaudier, M. Salsi, H. Mardoyan, P. Tran, S. Bigo, « Efficient Mitigation of Fiber Impairments in an Ultra-Long Haul Transmission of 40Gbit/s Polarization-Multiplexed Data, by Digital Processing in a Coherent Receiver », in Proc. Optical Fiber Communications Conf. (OFC’07), postdeadline paper PDP 17, Anaheim, 25-29 March 2007

[11]   G. Charlet, J. Renaudier, H. Mardoyan, O. Bertran Pardo, F. Cérou, P. Tran, S. Bigo, “12.8Tbit/s Transmission of 160 PDM-QPSK (160x2x40Gbit/s) Channels with Coherent Detection over 2,550km”, in Proc. European Conf. on Optical Comm. (ECOC’07), Postdeadline paper PD 1.6, Berlin, 17-20 Sept. 2007


[12]   G. Charlet, J. Renaudier, H. Mardoyan, P. Tran, O. Bertran Pardo, F. Verluise, M. Achouche, A. Boutin, F. Blache, J.-Y. Dupuy, S. Bigo, “Transmission of 16.4Tbit/s capacity over 2,550km using PDM QPSK modulation format and a coherent receiver”, in proc. Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC’08), Postdeadline paper PDP3, San Diego, 24-28 Feb, 2008

[13]   G. Charlet, M. Salsi, H. Mardoyan, P. Tran, J. Renaudier, S. Bigo, M. Astruc, P. Sillard, L. Provost, F. Cérou, « Transmission of 81 channels at 40Gbit/s over a Transpacific-Distance Erbium-only Link, using PDM-BPSK Modulation, Coherent Detection, and a new large effective area fibre.”, ECOC’08, Postdeadline paper Th 3.E.3, 21-25th September 2008


[14]   G. Charlet (1), M. Salsi (1), P. Tran (1), M. Bertolini (2), H. Mardoyan (1), J. Renaudier (1), O. Bertran-Pardo (1), S. Bigo (1); “72x100Gb/s transmission over transoceanic distance, using large effective area fiber, hybrid Raman-Erbium amplification and coherent detection”, OFC’09, postdeadline paper, PDPB6, OFC’09, San Diego, 22-26th March 2009

[15]   Salsi, M.; Mardoyan, H.; Tran, P.; Koebele, C.; Dutisseuil, E.; Charlet, G.; Bigo, S. ; “155×100Gbit/s coherent PDM-QPSK transmission over 7,200km”; Optical Communication, 2009. ECOC '09. 35th European Conference on; postdeadline paper PD 2.5_1569247689; Volume: 2009-Supplement; Publication Year: 2009 , Page(s): 1 – 2


[16]   M. Salsi, C. Koebele, D. Sperti, P. Tran, P. Brindel, H. Mardoyan, S. Bigo, A. Boutin, F. Verluise, P. Sillard, M. Astruc, L. Provost, F. Cerou, and G. Charlet, “Transmission at 2x100Gb/s, over two modes of 40-km-long prototype few-mode fiber, using LCOS-based mode multiplexer and demultiplexer,” Proc. Optical Fiber Communications Conference (OFC/NFOEC’11), PDPB9 (2011).

[17]   M. Salsi, O. Bertran-Pardo, J. Renaudier, W. Idler, H. Mardoyan, P. Tran, G. Charlet and S. Bigo, “WDM 200Gb/s single-carrier PDM-QPSK transmission over 12,000km,” in  Proc.  of  European  Conference  on  Optical  Communication ECOC 2011, Geneva, Switzerland, Sept. 2011, paper PDPC5.


[18]   M. Salsi, A. Ghazisaeidi, P. Tran, Rafael Rios Muller, L. Schmalen, J. Renaudier, H. Mardoyan, P. Brindel, G. Charlet and S. Bigo, “31 Tb/s Transmission over 7,200 km Using 46 Gbaud PDM-8QAM with Optimized Error Correcting Code Rate” in 18th OptoElectronics and Communications Conference held jointly with 2013 International Conference on Photonics in Switching (OECC/PS), Kyoto, Japon, July 2013, paper PD3-5.

[19]   M. Salsi, Rafael Rios Muller, J. Renaudier,  P. Tran, L. Schmalen, A. Ghazisaeidi, H. Mardoyan, P. Brindel, G. Charlet and S. Bigo, “38.75 Tb/s Transmission Experiment over Transoceanic Distance” in  Proc.  of  European  Conference  on  Optical  Communication ECOC 2013,, London, UK, 22 - 26 September 2013, paper PD3.E.2.


[20] Haik.Mardoyan, Oriol Bertran Pardo, Philippe Jennevé, Guilhem de Valicourt, Miquel A Mestre, Sébastien Bigo, Christophe Kazmierski, Nicolas Chimot, Andreas Steffan, Jörg Honecker, Ruiyong Zhang, Patrick Runge, André Richter, Cristina Arellano, Alejandro Ortega-Moñux, Iñigo Molina Fernandez, “PIC-to-PIC experiment at 130Gb/s Based on a Monolithic Transmitter Using Switching of Prefixed Optical Phases and a Monolithic Coherent Receiver” OFC’14, postdeadline paper,session III, ISBN: 978-1-55752-994-7, Th5C. 2, OFC’09, San Francisco, Californi, March 9-13, 2014

[21] Guilhem de Valicourt, Sébastien Bigo, Haik Mardoyan, Jean-Christophe Antona, Christophe Kazmierski, Nicolas Chimot, Miquel A Mestre, Philippe Jennevé, “Ultra-Compact Monolithic Integrated InP Transmitter at 224 Gb/s with PDM-2ASK-2PSK modulation” OFC’14, postdeadline paper,session III, ISBN: 978-1-55752-994-7, Th5C. 3, OFC’09, San Francisco, Californi, March 9-13, 2014

Regular papers in journals and first tier conferences


[01]   Du Mouza, L.; Le Meur, G.; Mardoyan, H.; Seve, E.; Cussat-Blanc, S.; Hamoir, D.; Martinelli, C.; Bayart, D.; Raineri, F.; Pierre, L.; Dany, B.; Leclerc, O.; Hamaide, J.P.; de Montmorillon, L.A.; Beaumont, F.; Sillard, P.; Nouchi, P.; Hugbart, A.; Uhel, R.; Granpierre, G.; “1.28 Tbit/s (32×40 Gbit/s) WDM transmission over 2400 km of TeraLightTM/Reverse TeraLight(C) fibres using distributed all-Raman amplification”; Electronics Letters; Volume: 37 , Issue: 21;Digital Object Identifier: 10.1049/el:20010821; Publication Year: 2001 , Page(s): 1300 – 1302

[02]  L. du Mouza(a) , E. Seve(a), H. Mardoyan(a), S. Wabnitz(a), P. Sillard(b), P. Nouchi(b) ; “High-order dispersion-managed solitons for DWDM transmissions”; NLGW’11 (NonLinear Guided Waves); March 2001; Florida; OSA; 358/TUA6-1


[03]   G. Charlet, J. Lazaro, E. Corbel, P. Tran, A. Klekamp, T. Lopez, H. Mardoyan, W. Idler, A. Konczykowska, J.-P. Thiéry, R. Dischler, S. Bigo; “Transmission at 2.5Tbit/s (63x43Gbit/s WDM) over transatlantic distance using RZ-DPSK format”, OFC’03


[04]  G. Charlet, E. Corbel, J. Lazaro, A. Klekamp, P. Tran, H. Mardoyan, S. Bigo, “Performance comparison of DPSK and RZ-DPSK formats in Nx43Gb/s submarine transmission with 100GHz channel spacing”, in proc. European Conference on Optical Communications (ECOC’04), paper Th3.5.3., Stockholm, 5-9 Sept. 2004

[05]  G. Charlet, J. Lazaro, E. Corbel, P. Tran, A. Klekamp, T. Lopez, H. Mardoyan, W. Idler, A. Konczykowska, J.-P. Thierry, R. Dischler, S. Bigo “2.5Tbit/s (63x43Gbit/s WDM) transmission over transpacific distance using RZ-DPSK format and all-Raman amplification”; electronics letters

[06]  Gaëlle Le Meur, Patrick Brindel, Sandrine Cussat-Blanc, Haïk Mardoyan, Sébastien Bigo ; “Experimental validation of bit-to-bit polarization interleaving format for submarine transmission at Nx43 Gbit/s”; electronics letters


[07]  G. Charlet, E. Corbel, J. Lazaro, A. Klekamp, W. Idler, R. Dischler, and S. Bigo, P. Tran, T. Lopez, H. Mardoyan, , A. Konczykowska, and J.-P. Thiéry, “Comparison of system performance at 50, 62.5 and 100GHz channel spacing over transoceanic distances at 40Gbit/s channel rate using RZ-DPSK”, electronics letters, vol. 41, n°3, pp. 145-146 (2005)

[08]  G. Charlet, E. Corbel, J. Lazaro, A. Klekamp, R. Dischler, P. Tran, W. Idler, H. Mardoyan, A. Konczykowska, F. Jorge, S. Bigo, “, “WDM transmission at 6Tbit/s capacity over transatlantic distance, using 42.7Gbit/s differential phase-shift Keying without pulse carver”, IEEE J Lightwave Technol., Volume 23,  n° 1, pp. 104 – 107 (2005)

[09]  G. Charlet, H. Mardoyan, P. Tran, A. Klekamp, M. Astruc, M. Lefrançois and S. Bigo, « Upgrade of 10Gbit/s ultra-long-haul system to 40Gbit/s with APol RZ-DPSK modulation format”, Electron. Lett, vol. 41, n°22, pp. 1240-1241 (2005)


[10]  G. Charlet, H. Mardoyan, P. Tran, M. Lefrançois, S. Bigo, “Nonlinear Interactions Between 10Gb/s Channels and 40Gb/s Channels with either RZ-DQPSK or PSBT Format, over Low-Dispersion Fiber”,  in Proc. European Conference on Optical Comm. (ECOC’06), paper Mo.3.2.6, Cannes, 2006

[11]  M. lefrançois, G. Charlet, P. Tran, H. Mardoyan, S. Bigo,  “Improvement of tolerance to non linearities resulting from small sequence modifications in 40Gbit/s optical transmission”, in proc. ECOC’06, Th3.2.4, Cannes, France, sept. 24-28, 2006

[12]  Zami, Thierry; Lavigne, Bruno; Balmefrezol, Elodie; Lefrancois, Mathieu; Mardoyan, Haik; “Comparative Study of Crosstalk Created in 50 GHz-Spaced Wavelength Selective Switch for Various Modulation Formats at 43 Gbit/s”; Optical Communications, 2006. ECOC 2006. European Conference on; Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/ECOC.2006.4801274; Publication Year: 2006 , Page(s): 1 - 2


[13]   G. Charlet, M. Salsi, J. Renaudier, O. Bertran-Pardo, H. Mardoyan, and S. Bigo, “Performance comparison of singly-polarized and polarisation-multiplexed coherent transmission  at  10Gbauds  under  linear  impairments,”  in  Proc.  of  European Conference on Optical Communication ECOC 2007, Berlin, Germany, Sept. 2007, Invited paper We7.2.2.

[14]   G. Charlet, M. Salsi, J. Renaudier, O. Bertran-Pardo, H. Mardoyan, and S. Bigo, “Performance comparison of singly-polarized and polarisation-multiplexed coherent transmission  at  10Gbauds  under  linear  impairments,” Electronics  Letters,  vol. 43, issue 20, Sept. 27, 2007; pp1109-1111.


[15]   G. Charlet, J. Renaudier, O. Bertran-Pardo, P. Tran, H. Mardoyan, and S. Bigo, “Performance  comparison  of  singly-polarized  and  polarization-multiplexed  at 10Gbaud under nonlinear impairments”, in Proc. of Optical Fiber Communication Conference OFC 2008, San Diego, USA, Feb. 2008, paper OthU8.

[16]   J. Renaudier, G. Charlet, M. Salsi, O. Bertran-Pardo, H. Mardoyan, P. Tran, and S. Bigo, “Linear fiber impairments mitigation of 40-Gbit/s polarization multiplexed QPSK  by  digital  processing  in  a  coherent  receiver,”  Journal  of  Lightwave Technology, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 36–42, Jan. 2008.

 [17]   J. Renaudier, G. Charlet, O. Bertran-Pardo, H. Mardoyan, P. Tran, M. Salsi, and S.  Bigo,  “Experimental  Analysis  of  100Gb/s  Coherent  PDM-QPSK  Long-Haul Transmission  under  Constraints  of  Typical  Terrestrial  Networks,”  in  Proc. of European Conference on Optical Communication ECOC 2008,  Brussels, Belgium, 2008, Th 2.A.3.

[18]   J. Renaudier, O. Bertran-Pardo, H. Mardoyan, P. Tran, M. Salsi, G. Charlet, and S. Bigo, “Impact of Temporal Interleaving of Polarization Tributaries onto 100Gb/s coherent transmission systems with RZ Pulse carving,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 20, Issue 24, p. 2036-2038, Dec. 2008.

[19]   O. Bertran-Pardo, J. Renaudier, H. Mardoyan, P. Tran, G. Charlet, and S. Bigo, “Investigation  of  Design  Options  for  Overlaying  40Gb/s  Coherent  PDM-QPSK Channels  over  a  10Gb/s  System  Infrastucture,”  in  Proc.  of  Optical  Fiber Communication Conference OFC 2008, San Diego, USA, Feb. 2008, paper OtuM5.

 [20]   O. Bertran-Pardo, J. Renaudier, G. Charlet, H. Mardoyan, P. Tran, and S. Bigo, “Nonlinearity  Limitations  when  Mixing  40Gb/s  Coherent  PDM-QPSK  Channels with Preesxisting 10Gb/s NRZ Channels,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 20,  no 15,  Aug.1, 2008.

 [21]   O. Bertran-Pardo, J. Renaudier, G. Charlet, P. Tran, H. Mardoyan, M. Salsi, and S.  Bigo,  “Impact  of  nonlinear  impairments  on  the  tolerance  to  PMD  of  100Gb/s PDM-QPSK  data  processed  in  a  coherent  receiver,”  in  Proc.  of  European Conference on Optical Communication ECOC 2008, Brussels, Belgium, Sept. 2008, paper We3.E.1.


[22]   O. Bertran-Pardo, J. Renaudier, G. Charlet, P. Tran, H. Mardoyan, M. Salsi, and S. Bigo, “Experimental Assessment of Interactions Between Nonlinear Impairments and to Polarization Mode Dispersion in 100Gb/s Coherent Systems versus Receiver Complexity,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol 21,  no 1, Jan.1, 2009.

[23]   G. Charlet, J. Renaudier, H. Mardoyan, P. Tran, O. Bertran-Pardo, F. Verluise, M. Achouche,  A.  Boutin,  F.  Blache,  J.-Y.  Dupuy,  and  S.  Bigo,  “Transmission of 16.4Tbit/s Capacity  over  2,550km  using  PDM  QPSK  Modulation  Format  and Coherent Receiver,” Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 27, issue 3, Feb. 2009.

[24]   G. Charlet, J. Renaudier, P. Brindel, P. Tran, H. Mardoyan, O. Bertran-Pardo, M. Salsi, and S. Bigo, “Performance Comparision of DPSK, P-DPSK, RZ-DQPSK and Coherent PDM-QPSK at 40Gb/s over Terrestrial Link,” in Proc. of Optical Fiber Communication Conference OFC 2009, San Diego, USA, Mar. 2009, paper JWA40.

[25]   O. Bertran-Pardo, J. Renaudier, G. Charlet, M. Salsi, P. Tran, H. Mardoyan and S. Bigo,  “Digital  Signal  Processing  in  Coherent  Receivers  for  100  Gb/s  Ultra  Long-Haul  Applications,”  OSA  Topical  Meeting  2010,  Signal  Processing  in  Photonic Communications  (SPPCom),  Karlsruhe,  Germany,  June  2009,  invited  paper SPWA3.

[26]   M.  Bertolini,  M.  Salsi,  G.  Charlet,  H. Mardoyan,  P.  Tran,  O.  Bertran-Pardo,  J. Renaudier, and S. Bigo, “Single-Carrier vs. Dual-Carrier Transmission of 100Gb/s coherent  PDM-QPSK  over  NZ-DSF  Fibre,”  in Proc.  of  European  Conference  on Optical Communication ECOC 2009, Vienna, Austria, Sept. 2009, paper Mo.2.3.1.

[27]   O.  Bertran-Pardo,  J.  Renaudier,  G.  Charlet,  M.  Salsi,  M.  Bertolini,  P.  Tran,  H. Mardoyan,  C.  Koebele,  and  S.  Bigo,  “System  Benefits  of  Temporal  Polarization Interleaving with 100Gb/s Coherent PDM-QPSK,” in Proc. of European Conference on  Optical  Communication  ECOC  2009,  Vienna,  Austria,  Sept.  2009,  paper Th.9.4.1.

[28]   O. Bertran-Pardo, J. Renaudier, G. Charlet, P. Tran, H. Mardoyan, M. Salsi, M. Bertolini, and S. Bigo, “Insertion of 100Gb/s Coherent PDM-QPSK Channels over Legacy Optical Networks Relying on Low Chromatic Dispersion Fibres,” in Proc. IEEE  Global  Telecommunications  GLOBECOM  2009,  Honolulu,  Hawaii,  USA, Dec. 2009, paper ONS.04.1.

[29]   O.  Bertran-Pardo,  D.  Mongardien,  P.  Bousselet,  P.  Tran,  H. Mardoyan,  J. Renaudier, and H. Bissessur, “Transmission of 2.6-Tb/s using 100Gb/s PDM-QPSK Paired  with  a  Coherent  Receiver  Over  a  401-km  Unrepeatered  Link,”  IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 21, no 23,  Dec.1, 2009.

[30]   J. Renaudier, G. Charlet, O. Bertran-Pardo, H. Mardoyan, P. Tran, M. Salsi, and S.  Bigo,  “Transmission  of  100Gb/s  Coherent  PDM-QPSK  over  16x100km  of Standard Fiber with all-erbium amplifiers,” Optics Express, vol. 17, no 7, pp. 5112-5119, Mar. 2009.

[31]   J. Renaudier, O. Bertran-Pardo, H. Mardoyan, P. Tran, G. Charlet, S. Bigo, M. Lefrançois,  B.  Lavigne,  J.-L.  Augé,  L.  Pirou,  and  O.  Courtois,  “Performance Comparison  of  40G  and  100G  Coherent  PDM-QPSK  for  Upgrading  Dispersion Managed Legacy Systems”, in Proc of National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference NFOEC 2009, San Diego, USA, Mar. 2009, paper NWD5.

[32]   J.  Renaudier,  O.  Bertran-Pardo,  G.  Charlet,  M.  Salsi,  M.  Bertolini,  P.  Tran,  H. Mardoyan,  and  S.  Bigo,  “On  the  Required  Number  of  WDM  Channels  When Assessing  Performance  of  100Gb/s  Coherent  PDM-QPSK  Overlaying  Legacy Systems,” in Proc. of European Conference on Optical Communication ECOC 2009, Vienna, Austria, Sept. 2009, paper Tu.3.4.5.

[33]   J.  Renaudier,  O.  Bertran-Pardo,  G.  Charlet,  M.  Salsi,  M.  Bertolini,  P.  Tran,  H. Mardoyan,  and  S.  Bigo,  “Investigation  on  WDM  Nonlinear  Impairments  Arising from  the  Insertion  of  100Gb/s  Coherent  PDM-QPSK  over  Legacy  Optical Networks, ” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 21, no 24, p. 1816-1818, Dec. 2009.

[34]   O. Bertran-Pardo, J. Renaudier, G. Charlet, M. Salsi, M. Bertolini, H. Mardoyan, P. Tran, C. Koebele, and S. Bigo, “PDM-QPSK: on the system benefits arising from temporally  interleaving  polarization  tributaries  at  100Gb/s,” Optics  Express,  vol. 17, no 22, pp. 19902-19907, 2009. 


[35]   F. Vacondio, J. Renaudier, O. Bertran-Pardo, P. Tran, H. Mardoyan, G. Charlet and S. Bigo, “Dual- versus single-carrier configuration for 40 Gb/s coherent BPSK-based   solutions   over   low   dispersion   fibers,”   in   Proc.   of   Optical   Fiber Communication Conference OFC 2010, San Diego, USA, Feb. 2010, paper OTuL3.

[36]   M. Salsi, G. Charlet, O. Bertran-Pardo, J. Renaudier, H. Mardoyan, P. Tran, S. Bigo,  “Experimental  Comparison  between  Binary  and  Quadrature  Phase  Shift Keying at 40Gbit/s in a Transmission System Using Coherent Detection,” in Proc. of  European  Conference  on  Optical  Communication  ECOC  2010,  Torino,  Italy, Sept. 2010, paper Mo.2.C.5.

[37]   T. Zami, A. Morea, J. Renaudier, O. Rival, H. Mardoyan, O. Bertran-Pardo, J.-C. Antona, S. Bigo, “Higher capacity with smaller global energy consumption in core optical networks due to elastic channel spacing,” in Proc. of European Conference on Optical Communication ECOC 2010, Torino, Italy, Sept. 2010, paper Mo.1.D.3.

[38]   Chiaroni, D.; Simonneau, C.; Salsi, M.; Buforn, G.; Etienne, S.; Mardoyan, H.; Simsarian, J.E.; Antona, J.-C.; “Optical packet ring network offering bit rate and modulation formats transparency”; Optical Fiber Communication (OFC), collocated National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference, 2010 Conference on (OFC/NFOEC); Publication Year: 2010 , paper OWI3, Page(s): 1 – 3

[39]   O. Bertran-Pardo, J. Renaudier, G. Charlet, P. Tran, H. Mardoyan, M. Bertolini, M.  Salsi,  and  S.  Bigo,  “Demonstration  of  the  benefits  brought  by  PMD  in polarization  multiplexed  systems,”  in  Proc.  of  European  Conference  on  Optical Communication ECOC 2010, Torino, Italy, Sept. 2010, paper TH.10.E.4.

[40]   M. Salsi, G. Charlet, J. Renaudier, O. Bertran-Pardo, H. Mardoyan, S. Bigo, P. Plantady, and A. Calsat “Recent advances in submarine optical communication systems,” Bell Labs Technical Journal, vol. 14, no 4, p. 131-147, Dec. 2010.

[41]   M. Salsi, C. Koebele, P. Tran, H. Mardoyan, S. Bigo, and G. Charlet; “ 80×100-Gbit/s transmission over 9,000km using erbium-doped fibre repeaters only” in Proc. of European Conference on Optical Communication ECOC 2010, Torino, Italy, Sept. 2010, paper WE.7.C.3

[42]   C. Koebele, M. Salsi, G. Charlet, O. Bertran-Pardo, J. Renaudier, H. Mardoyan, P. Tran, S. Bigo, “Impact of transmitter bandwidth on transmission performance of coherent 112-Gb/s PDM-QPSK systems,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 22, no 24, p. 1859-1861, Dec. 2010.

[43]   J. Renaudier, O. Bertran-Pardo, G. Charlet, M. Salsi, H. Mardoyan, P. Tran, and S. Bigo, “8Tb/s long-haul transmission over low dispersion fibres using 100 Gb/s PDM-QPSK channels paired with coherent detection,” Bell Labs Technical Journal, vol. 14, no 4, p. 27-45, Dec. 2010.

[44]   J. Renaudier, O. Bertran-Pardo, P. Tran, L. Pierre, H. Mardoyan, G. Charlet and S.  Bigo,  “Nonlinear  Tolerance  of  Ultra-Densely  spaced  100Gb/s  Coherent  PDM-QPSK  channels,”  in  Proc.  of  European  Conference  on  Optical  Communication ECOC 2010, Torino, Italy, Sept. 2010, paper Mo.2.C.3.


[45]   O. Bertran Pardo, J. Renaudier, M. Salsi, P. Tran, H. Mardoyan, G. Charlet and S. Bigo,  “Linear  and  nonlinear  impairment  mitigation  for  enhanced  transmission performance,” in Proc. of Optical Fiber Communication Conference OFC 2011, Los Angeles, USA, March. 2011, invited paper OMR1.

[46]   M. Salsi, C. Koebele, P. Tran, H. Mardoyan, E. Dutisseuil, J. Renaudier, M. Bigot-Astruc, L. Provost, S. Richard, P. Sillard, S. Bigo, and G. Charlet, “Transmission of 96×100Gb/s with 23% Super-FEC Overhead over 11,680km, using Optical Spectral Engineering,” in Proc. of Optical Fiber Communication Conference OFC 2011, Los Angeles, USA, March. 2011, invited paper OMR2.

[47] O. Bertran-Pardo, J. Renaudier, W. Idler, H. Mardoyan, M. Salsi, P. Tran, G. Charlet and S. Bigo, “Transmission of 40x200-Gb/s Polarization Division Multiplexed Quadrature Phase Shift Keyed channels over 6,600 km,” IET Journals, Electronics Letters, 18th, Vol.47, No. 17, August 2011, pp. 975-976.

[48] K. Schuh, F. Buchali, D. Roesener, E. Lach, O. Bertran-Pardo, J. Renaudier, G. Charlet, H. Mardoyan, P. Tran, “15.4 Tb/s transmission over 2400 km using polarization multiplexed 32-Gbaud 16-QAM modulation and coherent detection comprising digital signal processing,”  in  Proc.  of  European  Conference  on  Optical  Communication ECOC 2011, Geneva, Switzerland, Sept. 2011, paper We.8.B.4.

[49]   J. Renaudier, O. Bertran-Pardo, M. Salsi, F. Vacondio, H. Mardoyan, P. Tran, G. Charlet,  S.  Bigo,  “Tolerance  to  nonlinearity  of  40  Gb/s  BPSK-based  coherent solution over legacy systems based on non-zero dispersion-shifted fibers,” in Proc. of Optical  Fiber  Communication  Conference  OFC  2011,  Los  Angeles,  USA,  March 2011, paper OThX3.

[50]   J. Renaudier, O. Bertran-Pardo, H. Mardoyan, M. Salsi, P. Tran, G. Charlet and S.  Bigo,  “ Experimental comparison of 28Gbaud PS- and PDM-QPSK in WDM Long-Haul Transmission System,”  in  Proc.  of  European  Conference  on  Optical  Communication ECOC 2011, Geneva, Switzerland, Sept. 2011, paper Mo.2.B.3.

[51]   J. Renaudier, O. Bertran-Pardo, M. Salsi, P. Tran, H. Mardoyan, G. Charlet and S.  Bigo,  “Will 100-G resist higher bit rates?,”  in  Proc.  of  European  Conference  on  Optical  Communication ECOC 2011, Geneva, Switzerland, Sept. 2011, paper Th.11.B.3.

[52] J. Renaudier, W. Idler, O. Bertran-Pardo, F. Buchali, K. Schuh, H. Mardoyan, P. Tran, G. Charlet and S. Bigo, “Long-Haul WDM Transmission of 448-Gb/s Polarization-Division-Multiplexed 16-ary Quadrature-Amplitude-Modulation using Coherent Detection,” IET Journals, Electronics Letters, 18th, Vol.47, No. 17, August 2011, pp. 973-975.

[53] D. Sperti, M. Salsi, C. Koebele, P. Tran, H. Mardoyan, S. Bigo, A. Boutin, P. Sillard, G. Charlet. “Experimental Investigation of Modal Crosstalk using LCOS-based Spatial Light Modulator for Mode Conversion,” ECOC 2011, Paper Th.12.B.2 (2011).

[54] C. Koebele, M. Salsi, D. Sperti, P. Tran, P. Brindel, H. Mardoyan, S. Bigo, A. Boutin, P. Sillard, F. Cerou, G. Charlet, “Two-Mode Transmission with Digital Inter-Modal Cross-Talk Mitigation,” ECOC 2011, Paper Tu.5.B.4 (2011).

[55] C. Koebele, M. Salsi, D. Sperti, P. Tran, P. Brindel, H. Mardoyan, S. Bigo, A. Boutin, F. Verluise, P. Sillard, M. Astruc, L. Provost, F. Cerou, and G. Charlet, “Two mode transmission at 2x100Gb/s, over 40km-long prototype few-mode fiber, using LCOS based programmable mode multiplexer and demultiplexer,” Opt. Exp., vol. 19, no. 17, pp. 16593−16600, Aug. 2011.

[56] J. Renaudier, P. Serena, A. Bononi, M. Salsi, O. Bertran-Pardo, H. Mardoyan, P. Tran, G. Charlet, S. Bigo, “Generation and Detection of 28Gbaud Polarization Switched-QPSK in WDM Long-Haul Transmission Systems, » submitted for publication to Journal  of  Lightwave Technology, 2011.


[57] O. Bertran-Pardo, J. Renaudier, H. Mardoyan, P. Tran, F. Vacondio, M. Salsi, G. Charlet, S. Bigo,  A. Konczykowska, J.-Y. Dupuy, F. Jorge, M. Riet, J. Godin, “Experimental assessment of transmission reach for uncompensated 32-GBaud PDM-QPSK and PDM-16QAM,” accepted to OFC’12, Paper JW2A.53.

[58] O. Bertran-Pardo, J. Renaudier, H. Mardoyan, P. Tran, M. Salsi, G. Charlet, S. Bigo, “ Overlaying 10-Gb/s Legacy Optical Networks with 40-Gb/s and 100-Gb/s Coherent Terminals,” accepted to Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 30, no. 14, July 15, 2012, pp. 2367-2375.

[59] J. Renaudier, O. Bertran-Pardo, H. Mardoyan, P. Tran, G. Charlet, S. Bigo,  A. Konczykowska, J.-Y. Dupuy, F. Jorge, M. Riet, J. Godin, “Spectrally Efficient Long-Haul Transmission of 22-Tb/s using 40-Gbaud PDM-16QAM with Coherent Detection,” accepted to OFC’12, Paper OW4C.2.

[60] Massimiliano Salsi, Clemens Koebele, Donato Sperti, Patrice Tran, Haik Mardoyan, Patrick Brindel, Sébastien Bigo, Aurélien Boutin, Frédéric Verluise, Pierre Sillard, Marianne Astruc, Lionel Provost, and Gabriel Charlet, “Mode Division Multiplexing of 2 x 100Gb/s Channels using an LCOS based Spatial Modulator” IET Journals, Electronics Letters "Special Issue OFC 2011", Vol.30, No. 04, February 2012, pp. 618-623.

 [61] J Renaudier, P Serena, A Bononi, M Salsi, O Bertran-Pardo, H Mardoyan, P Tran, E Dutisseuil, G Charlet, S Bigo, “Generation and Detection of 28 Gbaud Polarization Switched-QPSK in WDM Long-Haul Transmission Systems” Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol. 30, Issue 9, May 1,2012, pp. 1312-1318 (2012).

[62] Massimiliano Salsi, Jordi Vuong, Clemens Koebele, Philippe Genevaux, Haik Mardoyan, Patrice Tran, Sébastien Bigo, Guillaume Le Cocq, Laurent Bigot, Yves Quiquempois, Antoine Le Rouge, Pierre Sillard, Marianne Bigot-Astruc, Gabriel Charlet, “In-line Few-Mode Optical Amplifier with Erbium Profile Tuned to Support LP01, LP11, and LP21 Mode Groups” European Conference and Exhibition on Optical Communication ECOC2012, Paper Tu.3.F.1. 

[63] Amirhossein Ghazisaeidi, Massimiliano Salsi, Jérémie Renaudier, Oriol Bertran-Pardo, Haik Mardoyan, and Gabriel Charlet, “Performance Analysis of Decision-Aided Nonlinear Cross-Polarization Mitigation Algorithm” European Conference and Exhibition on Optical Communication ECOC2012, Paper We.3.C.2.

[64] M Salsi, J Renaudier, O Bertran-Pardo, H Mardoyan, P Tran, G Charlet, S Bigo, “100 Gb/s and Beyond for Submarine Systems” Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol. 30, Issue 24, December 15,2012, pp. 3880 - 3887 (2012). (Invited Paper)

[65] O. Bertran-Pardo, J. Renaudier, P. Tran, H. Mardoyan, M. Salsi, F. Vacondio, G. Charlet and S. Bigo, “Comparison of ISI-mitigation techniques for 128 Gb/s PDM QPSK Channels in Ultra-Dense Coherent Systems” LEOS; ICP 12 (Invited Paper).


[66] O. Bertran-Pardo, J. Renaudier, H. Mardoyan, P. Tran, R. Rios-Muller, A. Konczykowska, J.-Y. Dupuy, F. Jorge, M. Riet, B. Duval, J. Godin, S. Randel, G. Charlet and S. Bigo, “Transmission of 50-GHz-Spaced Single-Carrier Channels at 516Gb/s over 600km” accepted to OFC’13, Paper OTh4E.2.

 [67] O. Bertran-Pardo, J. Renaudier, P. Tran, H. Mardoyan, P. Brindel, A. Ghazisaeidi, M. Salsi, G. Charlet, S. Bigo, “Submarine transmissions with spectral efficiency higher than 3 b/s/Hz using Nyquist pulse-shaped channels” accepted to OFC’13, Paper OTu2B.1.

[68] Jeremie Renaudier, Oriol Bertran-Pardo, Amirhossein Ghazisaeidi, Patrice Tran, Haik Mardoyan, Patrick Brindel, Adrian Voicila, Gabriel Charlet, Sebastien Bigo, “Experimental Transmission of Nyquist Pulse Shaped 4-D Coded Modulation using Dual Polarization 16QAM Set-Partitioning Schemes at 28 Gbaud” accepted to OFC’13, Paper OTu3B.1

[69] C. Kazmierski,  N. Chimot,  F. Blache,  J. Decobert,  F. Alexandre, J. Honecker,  C. Leonhardt,   A. Steffan, O.  Bertran-Pardo, H. Mardoyan, J. Renaudier and G. Charlet, “56Gb/s PDM-BPSK Experiment with a Novel InP-Monolithic Source Based on Prefixed Optical Phase Switching” in The 25th International Conference on Indium Phosphide and Related Materials, IPRM2013, May 19 - 23 2013, Kobe, Japan, Paper TuD4-2

[70]   Jean Godin, Agnieszka Kończykowska, Jean‐Yves Dupuy, Muriel Riet, Virginie Nodjiadjim, Filipe Jorge, Gabriel Charlet, Oriol Bertran‐Pardo, Jérémie Renaudier, Haik Mardoyan, Alan Gnauck and Peter J Winzer; “High Speed Multi-Level Drivers for Spectrally Efficient Optical Transmission Systems” Bell Labs Technical Journal, vol. 18, no 3, p. 67-94, Dec. 2013.


[01] G Charlet, P. Tran, H. Mardoyan « Wavelength Grid for DWDM » European Procedure (Patents) (EPA) - 07 Mar 2005 - 05290507.2; United States Patent Application 20060198636/A1

[02] H. Mardoyan, P. Tran, “Apparatus comprising a wireless communication device and a defibrillator” filing of Patent Appl. EP N° 10 306 204.8 - Y/Ref.: 806231 - O/Ref.: P004041/sh/sma (03/11/2010). EP 2 450 082 A1, 09.05.2012

[03] J. Renaudier, O. Bertran-Pardo, A. Bononi, H. Mardoyan, M. Salsi, P. Serena, “Coherent transponder for optical PS-QPSK signals,” (28 Feb. 2011, 808701-EP-EPA), 29-MAR-2011. EP 2 506 458 A1 (03.10.2012)

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