Harish Viswanathan is Head of the Radio Systems Research Group. He leads an international team of researchers investigating various aspects of wireless communication systems, and in particular, 5G. In his prior role, as a CTO Partner he was responsible for advising the Corporate CTO on Technology Strategy through in-depth analysis of emerging technology and market needs.
Harish Viswanathan joined Bell Labs in 1997 and has worked on multiple antenna technology for cellular wireless networks, mobile network architecture, and M2M. He received the B. Tech. degree from the Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai, India and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the School of Electrical Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. He holds more than 50 patents and has published more than 100 papers. He is a Fellow of the IEEE and a Bell Labs Fellow.
8 Articles found
- PhD in Electrical Engineering from Cornell University, Ithaca, NY in 1997
- Master of Science in Electrical Engineering from Cornell University, Ithaca, NY in 1995
- Bachelor of Technology in Electrical Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, India in 1992
- H. Viswanathan, "Capacity of Markov channels with CSI and delayed feedback," in the IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, March 1999
- H. Viswanathan, S. Venkatesan and H. Huang, "Downlink capacity evaluation of cellular networks with known interference cancellation,” in the IEEE JSAC special issue on MIMO, June 2003.
- H. Viswanathan, “ Interference Management in Macro-Femto Environments,” invited presentation to IEEE Communication Theory Workshop, May 10-12, 2010, Cancun, Mexico
- H. Viswanathan and S. Venkatesan, “Asymptotics of sum rate for dirty paper coding and beamforming in multiple-antenna broadcast channels,” in the proceedings of the 41st Annual Allerton Conference on Communications and Control, Oct 2003.
- H. Viswanathan and K. Kumaran, “Rate scheduling for multi-antenna downlink systems,” in the proceedings of the 39th Annual Allerton Conference on Communications and Control, Oct 2001. Also, in IEEE Transactions on Communications, April 2005.
- H. Viswanathan and S. Venkatesan, “The impact of antenna diversity in multiple antenna systems with scheduling,” in the IEEE Transactions on Communications, April 2004.
- S. Adireddy, L. Tong and H. Viswanathan, “Optimal placement of training for frequency-selective block-fading channels,”
in IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Volume 48, Issue 8, Aug. 2002 Page(s):2338 – 2353 - H. Viswanathan and S. Mukherjee, “Throughput-range tradeoff of wireless mesh backhaul networks,” in IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Volume 24, Issue 3, March 2006 Page(s):593 – 602
- H. Viswanathan; , "Uncoordinated orthogonal frequency division multiple access: To spread or not to spread," Wireless Communications, IEEE Transactions on , vol.8, no.1, pp.347-355, Jan. 2009
- H. Viswanathan and T. Berger, "The quadratic Gaussian CEO problem," in IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, September 1997
- H. Viswanathan and T.Berger, “Sequential coding of correlated sources,” in IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, July 2000
- Ho, T. and Viswanathan H., “Dynamic algorithms for multicast with intra-session network coding,” in proceedings of the 43rd Annual Allerton Conference on Communication and Control, October 2005..
- H Viswanathan, S Mukherjee, “ Performance of cellular networks with relays and centralized scheduling,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 4 (5), 2318-2328, 2005
- Editor, IEEE Wireless Letters, since 2011
- Guest Editor, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Signal Processing, for special issue on Heterogenous Networks
- Workshop Chair, Small Cells Workshop, in PIMRC 2009
- Organizing committee of IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference 2005 as Tutorial Co-chair
- Technical program committee member for IEEE INFOCOM 2003, IEEE ICC 2004, COMSWARE 2007
- National Science Foundation Review Panel for Communication Theory, 2002, 2004 and 2013
- Adjunct Associate Professor, Columbia University, Spring 2007, teaching graduate course on Space-time communications
- Israel science foundation panel reviewer.