I am a research scientist at Nokia Bell Labs in Stuttgart, Germany.
Please see my homepage ( for more up-to-date information.
Selected Articles and Publications
- Citadel: Protecting Data Privacy and Model Confidentiality for Collaborative Learning (ACM SoCC2021)
- Lessons Learned from Migrating Complex Stateful Applications onto Serverless Platforms (ACM APSys2021)
- Efficient GPU Sharing for Serverless Workflows (ACM HIPS2021)
- Will Serverless Computing Revolutionize NFV? (Proceedings of the IEEE; invited paper)
- ApproxJoin: Distributed Approximate Joins (ACM SoCC2018)
- SAND: Towards High-Performance Serverless Computing (ACM USENIX ATC2018)
- Towards Reliable Application Deployment in the Cloud (ACM CoNEXT2017)
- Sieve: Actionable Insights from Monitored Metrics in Distributed Systems (ACM/IFIP/USENIX Middleware 2017)
- The Case for a General and Interaction-based Third-party Cookie Policy (IEEE W2SP2015)
- SplitX: High-Performance Private Analytics (ACM SIGCOMM2013)
- Non-tracking Web Analytics (ACM CCS2012)
- Large-scale Incremental Data Processing with Change Propagation (USENIX HotCloud2011)
- Peer-to-peer Multipoint Video Conferencing with Layered Video (Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Volume: 34, Issue: 1, 2011)
- Data Recovery for Web Applications (IEEE/IFIP DSN2010)
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Selected Articles and Publications