Larry O'Gorman is a Bell Labs Fellow at Nokia Bell Labs Research in Murray Hill, NJ. His current focus is on lightweight machine learning for mobile robots, drones, and IoT. Previously he was Chief Scientist at Veridicom, a biometric company that was spun out from Lucent, and before that a Distinguished Member of Technical Staff at Bell Labs. He has also taught in the area of multimedia security at Cooper Union and New York University.
He has collaborated with artists and universities on the creation of several interactive artworks including: Brooklyn Blooms with NYU at the World Science Festival, 2013; Pixelpalooza with NYU at the Liberty Science Center, 2014-17; Butterflies Alight! with Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken, NJ, 2015; Omnia Per Omnia with Sougwen Chung at Mana Contemporary Gallery, 2018; and Indigo Grey with Hammerstep at Mana Contemporary Gallery, 2018.
He has authored over 80 technical papers and 9 book chapters, holds over 40 patents, is co-author of 4 biometrics standards, and is co-author of the books, Practical Algorithms for Image Analysis published by Cambridge University Press, and Document Image Processing published by IEEE Press. He is a Fellow of the IEEE and of the International Association for Pattern Recognition. In 1996, he won the Best Industrial Paper Award at the International Conference for Pattern Recognition. Also in 1996, he won an R&D 100 Award for one of "the top 100 innovative technologies of that year" (a digital document watermarking method). He currently serves on the editorial board of Pattern Recognition, has been on the editorial boards of 6 journals, and has served on US government committees to NIST, NSF, NIJ, and NAE, the New Jersey Commission on Science and Technology, and France's INRIA.
University of Ottawa, B.A.Sc., EE
University of Washington, M.S., EE
Carnegie Mellon University, Ph.D. EE
- B. Cao, M. Coss, S. Jain, L. O'Gorman, "Exploring Data-Side Efficiencies for Lightweight Convolutional Neural Networks", 2023 (submitted for publication).
- L. O'Gorman, "Activity analytics from fixed cameras for robot path planning", TechRxiv, 2022/6/6.
- L O'Gorman, X Liu, M Sarker, M Milanova, "Video analytics gait trend measurement for fall prevention and health monitoring", Int. Conf. Pattern Recognition, 2021.
- L. O'Gorman, G. Yang, "Orthographic perspective mappings for consistent wide-area motion feature maps from multiple cameras", IEEE Trans. Image Processing, Vol. 25-6, 2016.
- L. O’Gorman, Y. Yin, T.K. Ho, “Motion feature filtering for event detection in crowded scenes”, Pattern Recognition Letters, 2013.
- Y. J. Ren, L. O’Gorman, L. J. Wu, F. Chang, T. Wood, J. R. Zhang, “Authenticating lossy surveillance video”, IEEE Trans. Information Forensics and Security, 2013.
- L. O’Gorman, “Comparing Passwords, Tokens, and Biometrics for User Authentication,” Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 91, No. 12, Dec. 2003, pp. 2019-2040.
- J.T. Brassil, S. Low, N.F. Maxemchuk, L. O'Gorman, "Electronic marking and identification techniques to discourage document copying", IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 13 (8), 1495-1504, 1995.
- L. O'Gorman, "The document spectrum for page layout analysis", IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 15 (11), 1162., 1993.
Over 40.
- Practical Algorithms for Image Analysis: Description, Examples, and Code, by Lawrence O’Gorman, Michael Sammon, and Michael Seul, Cambridge University Press, 2nd ed. 2008.
- Document Image Analysis, by Lawrence O’Gorman and R. Kasturi, IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA, 1994.
- “Fingerprint Verification,” in Biometrics: Personal Identification in Networked Society, L. O’Gorman, edited by Anil Jain, Ruud Bolle, Sharath Pankanti, Kluwer Press, The Netherlands, Nov. 1998, pp. 43-64.
- “Digital Watermarking” in Encyclopedia of Information Technology, H. Berghel, L. O’Gorman, edited by Williams, J. and K. Sochats, Marcel Dekker, 1997.
- “The RightPages: An image-based electronic library alerting and distribution service”, G.A. Story, L. O’Gorman, D. Fox, L. Schaper, and H.V. Jagadish, Chapter 18 in Studies in Multimedia, Learned Information, Medford, NJ, 1992.
- Pattern Recognition, Member of Editorial Board
- Past member of Editorial Boards, including IEEE Transactions on Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence
- Past Guest Editor of special issues: “Biometrics: Progress and Directions,” IEEE Trans. Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence, Apr. 2007; “Image- and Video-Based Biometrics”, IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Feb. 2004; “Auto ID Technology: From Barcodes to Biometrics", IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, Vol. 6, No. 1, Mar. 1999; “Document Image Analysis Systems”, IEEE Computer, Vol. 25, No. 7, July 1992; “Document Image Analysis Techniques”, Machine Vision and Applications, Vol. 5, No. 3, Summer 1992.
IEEE Fellow, IAPR Fellow
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