As a Head of Ecosystem Development, Lauri is responsible for Nokia's partnerships at Nokia Arena and oversees technical projects at the venue, where he has led significant projects such as the record breaking 2 Gbps uplink speeds over 5G mmWave network and the world-class Andrea Bocelli remote concert experience. For Nokia Network as Code, he also leads entire technical projects, manages customer relationships in EMEA, and represents it at public events for telecom operators and enterprise users. Previously, Lauri was recognized for ramping up, running, and supporting a new automated workflow, fault, and test management process when he worked for Nokia CNS Business Applications.
His interest in Information Technology started at a young age, and by middle school, he was already applying his coding skills to various projects. This early interest has developed into a passion for his work, and today, it is most evident in his leadership of technical projects. Lauri's expertise lies in building collaboration with stakeholders and identifying business opportunities within a global technology environment. In the workplace, his strengths are his exceptional social skills, which have allowed him to create effective teams, develop strategic solutions, and support sustainable growth. It is important to Lauri that all team members feel heard and valued.
Lauri holds an M.Sc. (Tech) in Information Technology from Tampere University, Finland, and a Distinguished Member of Technical Staff (DMTS) honor from Nokia Bell Labs in recognition of his technical expertise and significant impact in telecommunications and network development.
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