Limin is a Member of Technical Staff with Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ, since 2006. Prior to joining Bell Labs, he served on the faculty of Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH. He publishes in ACM, IEEE, and USENIX journals and conferences.
- Ph.D. Computer Science. Prinecton University
- M.A. Computer Science. Princeton University
- B.S. Computer Science. Peking University
Selected Articles and Publications
- Region Sampling and Estimation of GeoSocial Data with Dynamic Range Calibration. Yanhua Li, Moritz Steiner, Jie Bao, Limin Wang, Chi-Yin Chow and Ting Zhu. To appear in Proceedings of the 30th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE) 2014.
- Providing Local Content Discovery and Sharing in Mobile Tactical Networks. Mary R. Schurgot, Lloyd Greenwald, David Stott, Jairo Esteban, Yang Guo, Mark Smith, Matteo Varvello and Limin Wang. Military Communications Conference 2013 (MILCOM 2013).
- Combining VPNs with Distributed File Systems for Cloud-based Enterprise Storage. Hyunseok Chang, Murali Kodialam, T. V. Lakshman, Sarit Mukherjee and Limin Wang. In 2nd USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Management of Internet, Cloud and Enterprise Networks and Services. (Hot-ICE’12).
- Online Scheduling of Targeted Advertisements for IPTV. Murali Kodialam, T.V. Lakshman and Sarit Mukherjee and Limin Wang. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (ToN), December 2011.
- Personalized Application Enablement by Web Session Analysis and Multisource User Profiling. Aghasaryan A. , Betge-Brezetz S. , Kodialam M. , Lakshman T. , Mukherjee S. , Senot C. , Toms Y. , Wang L. Bell Labs Technical Journal, June 01, 2010