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Lisa Zhang

Lisa Zhang

Distinguished Member of Technical Staff

Murray Hill, NJ, USA

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Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1997.
Advisor: Tom Leighton

Selected Articles and Publications

Conference papers and submissions

1. Detecting Large Cliques via Graph Neural Networks with Application to Hardware Failure Prediction. coauthored with S. Chaudhari and I. Saniee.
2. Truncated Lottery Ticket for Deep Pruning. The 29th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (IEEE ICIP 2022). Coauthored with I. Saniee and B. Magnetta.
3. Quantified Understanding of Syrian Refugee Integration in Turkey. The D4R (Data for Refugee) Competition. Coauthored with W. Hu, R. He, J. Cao, H. Uzunalioglu, A. Akyamac and C. Phadke.
4. Structure of Utility Optimization in Regular and Irregular Wireless Scenarios. 56th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing (Allerton 2018). Coauthored with M. Andrews.
5. Statistical Enrichment Models for Activity Inference from Imprecise Location Data. IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (Infocom 2019). Coauthored with R. He, J. Cao and D. Lee.
6. A Unified Clustering Approach for Identifying Functional Zones in Suburban and Urban Areas. IEEE International Workshop on Knowledge Centric Networking (KCN 2018). Coauthored with J. Yang, J. Cao and R. He.
7. Extracting Mobile User Behavioral Similarity via Cell-Level Location Trace. 20th IEEE Global Internet Symposium (GIS 2017). Coauthored with J. Cao, S. Chen, S. Kennedy and N. Kim.
8. Tracking Mobile Users via Standard Routing Engines. Proceedings of 50th Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS 2016, Invited Paper). Coauthored with M. Andrews.
9. Computing Road Signatures from Cell Sequences with Minimum Inconsistencies. Proceedings of IEEE Infocom 2016, Network Science for Communication Networks Workshop (Best Paper). Coauthored with M. Andrews and J. Cao.
10. Analysis of k-Anonymity Algorithms for Streaming Location Data. Proceedings of IEEE Infocom 2015, BigSecurity Workshop. Coauthored with M. Andrews and G. Wilfong.
11. Sparsifying Network Topologies for Application Guidance. Proceedings of IFIP/IEEE Integrated Network Management Symposium (IM 2015). Coauthored with M. Scharf and G. Wilfong.
12. Hierarchical Community Decomposition Via Oblivious Routing Techniques. Proceedings of ACM Conference on Online Social Networks (COSN 2013). Coauthored with S. Kennedy, J. Morgenstern and G. Wilfong.
13. Managing the Macro-Femto Interference Problem in LTE Networks via CSMA-Based Algorithms, Proceedings of IEEE WiOpt 2013. Coauthored with M. Andrews.
14. Collector-based Cell Reordering in Load-Balanced Switch Fabrics, Proceedings of IEEE Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing 2013. Coauthored with S. Antonakopoulos, S. Fortune and R. McLellan.
15. Worst-Case Delay Bounds for Uniform Load-Balanced Switch Fabrics, Proceedings of IEEE ICC 2013. Coauthored with S. Antonakopoulos, S. Fortune and R. McLellan.
16. Energy-Delay Tradeoffs in a Load-Balanced Router. Proceedings of 50th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing (Invited Paper). Urbana-Champaign, IL, October 2012. Coauthored with M.
17. Scheduling Algorithms for Optimizing the Tradeoffs between Delay, Queue Size and Energy. Proceedings of 46th Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS 2012, Invited Paper). Coauthored with M. Andrews.
18. Energy-aware Scheduling Protocols for Network Stability. Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM 2011. Shanghai, China, April 2011. Coauthored with M. Andrews and S. Antonakopoulos.
19. Energy-aware Routing with Rate Adaptive Networking Elements. Proceedings the 3rd International Workshop on Green Communications. Miami, FL, December 2010. Coauthored with S. Antonakopoulos and S. Fortune.
20. Minimum-Cost Network Design with (Dis)economies of Scale. Proceedings of the 51st Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundation of Computer Science (FOCS). Las Vegas, NV, October 2010. Coauthored with M. Andrews and S.
21. Routing for Energy Minimization in the Speed Scaling Model. Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM 2010. San Diego, CA, March 2010. Coauthored with M. Andrews, A. Fernandez Anta, W. Zhao.
22. Routing and Scheduling for Energy and Delay Minimization in the Powerdown Model. Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM 2010 (Miniconference). San Diego, CA, March 2010. Coauthored with M. Andrews, A. Fernandez Anta, W. Zhao.
23. Multiserver Scheduling with Contiguity Constraints. Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM 2009. Brazil, April 2009. Coauthored with M. Andrews.
24. Approximation Algorithms for Grooming in Optical Network Design. Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM 2009. Brazil, April 2009. Coauthored with S. Antonakopoulos.
25. The Effect of Bridge-and-Roll on Minimizing Wavelength Conversion for Dynamic Traffic. Proceedings of ECOC 2008. Brussels, Belgium, September 2008. Coauthored with S. Fortune.
26. Efficient Scheduling Algorithms for Real-Time Multicast Services in Wireless LANs. Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM (mini symposium) 2008,. Phoenix, AZ, April 2008. Coauthored with Y. Bejerano, D. Lee and P. Sinha.
27. Satisfying Arbitrary Delay Requirements in Multihop Networks. Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM 2008. Phoenix, AZ, April 2008. Coauthored with M. Andrews.
28. Creating Templates to Achieve Low Delay in Multi-Carrier Frame-Based Wireless Data Systems. Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM 2008. Phoenix, AZ, April 2008. Coauthored with M. Andrews.
29. Scheduling Algorithms for Single-carrier and Multi-carrier Wireless Data Systems. Proceedings of the 45th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing (Invited Paper). September 2007. Monticello, IL. Coauthored with M. Andrews.
30. Approximating Protected Buy-at-Bulk Network Design. Proceedings of the 48th Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundation of Computer Science (FOCS). October 2007. Providence, RI. Coauthored with S. Antonakopoulos, C. Chekuri and B. Shepherd.
31. Heuristics for Fiber Installation in Optical Network Optimization. Proceedings of 2007 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference. Washington DC, November 2007. Coauthored with S. Antonakopoulos.
32. Scheduling Algorithms for Multi-Carrier Wireless Data Systems. Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (Mobicom). Montreal, Canada, September 2007. Coauthored with M. Andrews.
33. On Rank Aggregation of Multiple Orderings in Network Design. Proceedings of the International Network Optimization Conference (INOC). Spa, Belgium, April 2007. Coauthored with H. Shachnai and T. Matsui.
34. Logarithmic Hardness for the Directed Congestion Minimization Problem. Proceedings of the 38th Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computation (STOC). Seattle, WA, May 2006. Coauthored with M. Andrews.
35. A Tool for CDMA Data Measurement and Analysis. Proceedings of the Second International Workshop On Wireless Network Measurement. Boston, MA, April 2006. Coauthored with M. Andrews.
36. Admission Control for Multihop Wireless Backhaul Networks with QoS Support. Proceedings of IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference 2006. Las Vegas, NV, April 2006. Coauthored with S. Lee, G. Narlikar, M. Pal and G. Wilfong.
37. Designing Multihop Wireless Backhaul Networks with Delay Guarantees. Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM 2006. Barcelona, Spain, April 2006. Coauthored with G. Narlikar and G. Wilfong.
38. Complexity of Wavelength Assignment in Optical Network Optimization. Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM 2006. Barcelona, Spain, April 2006. Coauthored with M. Andrews.
39. Hardness of the Undirected Edge Disjoint Path Problem with Congestion. Proceedings of the 46th Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundation of Computer Science (FOCS). October 2005. Coauthored with M. Andrews, J. Chuzhoy and S. Khanna.
40. The Master Ring Problem. Proceedings of the 2005 International Conference on Analysis of Algorithms. Spain, June 2005. Coauthored with H. Shachnai.
41. Hardness of the Undirected Edge Disjoint Path Problem. Proceedings of the 37th Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computation (STOC). Baltimore, MD, May 2005. Coauthored with M. Andrews.
42. Hardness of the Undirected Congestion Minimization Problem. Proceedings of the 37th Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computation (STOC). Baltimore, MD, May 2005. Coauthored with M. Andrews.
43. Bounds on Fiber Minimization in Optical Networks. Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM 2005. Miami, FL, March 2005. Coauthored with M. Andrews.
44. Path Decomposition under a New Cost Metric. Proceedings of 12th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA). Bergen, Norway, September 2004. Coauthored with E. Anshelevich.
45. Wavelength Assignment in Optical Networks with Fixed Fiber Capacity. Proceedings of 31st International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP). Turku, Finland, July 2004. Coauthored with M. Andrews.
46. Line System Design for DWDM Networks. Proceedings of the 11th International Telecommunications Network Strategy and Planning Symposium (Networks). Vienna, Austria, June 2004. Coauthored with S. Fortune and W. Sweldens.
47. DCM Selection on an Optical Line System. Proceedings of the 11th International Telecommunications Network Strategy and Planning Symposium (Networks). Vienna, Austria, June 2004. Coauthored with C. Chekuri and W. Lee.
48. Scheduling over Non-stationary Wireless Channels with Finite Rate Sets. Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM 2004. Hong Kong, March 2004. Coauthored with M. Andrews.
49. Routing and Scheduling in Multihop Wireless Networks with Time-Varying Channels. Proceedings of the 15th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA). New Orleans, LA, January 2004. Coauthored with M. Andrews.
50. Optical Line System Configuration via Dynamic Programming. Proceedings of the International Network Optimization Conference (INOC). Paris, France, October 2003. Coauthored with C. Chekuri and W. Lee.
51. Wavelength Assignment and Generalized Interval Graph Coloring. Proceedings of the 14th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA). Baltimore, MD, January 2003. Coauthored with P. Winkler.
52. Scheduling over a Time-Varying User-Dependent Channel with Applications to High Speed Wireless Data. Proceedings of the 43rd Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundation of Computer Science (FOCS). Vancouver, Canada, November 2002. Coauthored with M. Andrews.
53. The Performance of GPS and EDF with Temporary Sessions. Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Workshop on Quality of Service. Miami Beach, FL, May 2002. Coauthored with M. Andrews.
54. Scheduling Protocols for Switches with Large Envelopes. Proceedings of the 13th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA). San Francisco, CA, January 2002. Coauthored with M. Andrews.
55. Source Routing and Scheduling in Packet Networks. Proceedings of the 42nd Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundation of Computer Science (FOCS). Las Vegas, NV, October 2001. Coauthored with M. Andrews, A. Fernandez and A. Goel.
56. Achieving Stability in Networks of Input-Queued Switches. Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM 2001. Anchorage, Alaska, April 2001. Coauthored with M. Andrews.
57. Blocking Estimates in a Partitioned-Sector TDMA System. Dial M for Mobility 2000: The 4th International Workshop on Discrete Algorithms and Methods for Mobile Computing and Communications. Boston, MA, August 2000. Coauthored with C. Chekuri, K. Ramanan and P. Whiting.
58. QoS Routing with Performance-Dependent Costs. Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM 2000. Tel Aviv, Israel, March 2000. Coauthored with F. Ergun and R. Sinha.
59. The Effects of Temporary Sessions on Network Performance. Proceedings of the 11th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA). San Francisco, CA, January 2000. Coauthored with M. Andrews.
60. An Augmentation Algorithm for Mincost Multicommodity Flow on a Ring. Proceedings of 1999 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, December 1999. Coauthored with B. Shepherd.
61. Packet Routing with Arbitrary End-to-End Delay Requirements. Proceedings of the 31st Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computation (STOC). Atlanta, GA, May 1999. Coauthored with M. Andrews.
62. Minimizing End-to-End Delay in High-Speed Networks with a Simple Coordinated Schedule. Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM 1999. New York, NY, March 1999. Coauthored with M. Andrews.
63. Fast, Fair and Frugal Bandwidth Allocation in ATM Networks. Proceedings of the 10th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA). Baltimore, MD, January 1999. Coauthored with Y. Bartal, M. Farach-Colton and S. Yooseph.
64. The Access Network Design Problem. Proceedings of the 39th Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundation of Computer Science (FOCS). Palo Alto, CA, November 1998. Coauthored with M. Andrews.
65. Stability Results for Networks with Input and Output Blocking. Proceedings of the 30th Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computation (STOC). Dallas, TX, May 1998. Coauthored with M. Andrews.
66. A Performance Comparison of Competitive On-line Routing and State-Dependent Routing. Proceedings of 1997 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference. Phoenix, AZ, November 1997. Coauthored with W. Aiello, M. Andrews, S. Bhatt and K. R. Krishnan.
67. General Dynamic Routing with Per-Packet Delay Guarantees of O(distance + 1/session rate). Proceedings of the 38th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS). Miami Beach, FL, October 1997. Coauthored with M. Andrews, A. Fernandez, M. Harchol-Balter and T. Leighton.
68. New Algorithms for the Disk Scheduling Problem. Proceedings of the 37th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS). Burlington, VT, October 1996. Coauthored with M. Andrews and M. Bender.
69. Improved Bounds for On-line Load Balancing. Proceedings of the Second International Computing and Combinatorics Conference. Hong Kong, June 1996. Coauthored with M. Andrews and M. Goemans.
70. Efficient Execution of Nondeterministic Parallel Algorithms on Asynchronous Systems. Proceedings of the 8th ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA). Padua, Italy, June 1996. Coauthored with Y. Aumann and M. Bender.
71. Open Problems for Latency Hiding in Networks of Workstations. Proceedings of the 7th Australia Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms. Australia, July 1996. Coauthored with M. Andrews, T. Leighton and T. Metaxas.
72. Improved Methods for Hiding Latency in High Bandwidth Networks. Proceedings of the 8th ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA). Padua, Italy, June 1996. Coauthored with M. Andrews, T. Leighton and T. Metaxas.
73. Automatic Methods for Hiding Latency in High Bandwidth Networks. Proceedings of the 28th Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC). Philadelphia, PA, May 1996. Coauthored with M. Andrews, T. Leighton and T. Metaxas.

Joint papers and submissions

74. Minimum-Cost Network Design with (Dis)economies of Scale. Accepted to appear SIAM Journal of Computing. Coauthored with M. Andrews and S. Antonakopoulos
75. Utility Optimization in Heterogeneous Networks via CSMA-Based Algorithms Accepted to appear Wireless Networks. Coauthored with M. Andrews.
76. Improving Robustness of Next-Hop Routing. Accepted to appear Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 2014. Coauthored with G. Borradaile, S. Kennedy and G. Wilfong.
77. Energy-aware Scheduling Protocols for Network Stability. Accepted to appear IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networks, 2014. Coauthored with M. Andrews and S. Antonakopoulos.
78. Rate-Adaptive Weighted Fair Queueing for Energy-Aware Scheduling. Information Processing Letters.114(5):247-251, 2014. Coauthored with M. Andrews
79. Egalitarian Graph Orientations. Journal of Algorithms and Applications 21(4):687-708, 2017 Coauthored with G. Borradaile, J. Iglesiasy, T. Migler, A. Ochoa and G. Wilfong.
80. Routing and Scheduling for Energy and Delay Minimization in the Powerdown Model. Networks - Wiley Online Library, 2012. Coauthored with M. Andrews, A. Fernandez Anta, W. Zhao.
81. Routing for Power Minimization in the Speed Scaling Model. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networks. 20(1):285-294, 2012. Coauthored with M. Andrews, A. Fernandez Anta, W. Zhao.
82. Approximation Algorithms for Grooming in Optical Network Design. Theoretical Computer Science. 412: 3738-3751, 2011. Coauthored with S. Antonakopoulos.
83. Scheduling Algorithms for Multi-Carrier Wireless Data Systems. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networks. 19(2):447-455, April, 2011. Coauthored with M. Andrews.
84. Inapproximability of edge-disjoint paths and low congestion routing on undirected graphs. Combinatorica. 30(5):485-520, September 2010. Coauthored with M. Andrews, J. Chuzhoy, V. Guruswami, S. Khanna, K. Talwar.
85. Buy-at-Bulk Network Design with Protection. Math of Operations Research. 36: 71 - 87, February 2011. Coauthored with S. Antonakopoulos, C. Chekuri, B. Shepherd.
86. Creating Templates to Achieve Low Delay in Multi-Carrier Frame-Based Wireless Data Systems. Springer Wireless Networks, Vol. 16, No. 6, August 2010. Coauthored with M. Andrews.
87. A Note on Generalized Rank Aggregation. Information Processing Letters. 109(13): 647-651, 2009. Coauthored with H. Shachnai and T. Matsui.
88. Complexity of Wavelength Assignment in Optical Network Optimization. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networks (Invited Paper). 17(2): 646-657, 2009. Coauthored with M. Andrews.
89. Wavelength Assignment in Optical Network Design. Mathematics-in-Industry Case Studies Journal., 1: 49-65, 2008. Coauthored with B. Farrell, Y. Huang, M. Iwen, T. Wang and J. Zheng.
90. Designing Multihop Wireless Backhaul Networks with Delay Guarantees. Springer Wireless Networks, published online, August 2008. Coauthored with G. Narlikar and G. Wilfong.
91. Almost-Tight Hardness of Directed Congestion Minimization. Journal of the ACM. Vol. 55, No. 6, Article 27, 2008. Coauthored with M. Andrews.
92. Exact Algorithms for the Master Ring Problem. Networks. 52(2): 98-107, 2008. Coauthored with H. Shachnai and T. Matsui.
93. Path Decomposition under a New Cost Metric with Applications to Optical Network Design. ACM Transactions on Algorithms. Vol. 4, No. 1, Article 15, 2008. Coauthored with E. Anshelevich.
94. Hardness of the Undirected Congestion Minimization Problem. SIAM Journal of Computing. 37(1): 112-131, 2007. Coauthored with M. Andrews.
95. Routing and Scheduling in Multihop Wireless Networks with Time-Varying Channels. ACM Transactions on Algorithms. Vol. 3, No. 3, Article 33, 2007. Coauthored with M. Andrews.
96. Logarithmic Hardness of the Undirected Edge-Disjoint Paths Problem. Journal of the ACM. 53(5): 745-761, 2006. Coauthored with M. Andrews.
97. Scheduling over Non-stationary Wireless Channels with Finite Rate Sets. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networks. 14(5): 1067-1077, October 2006. Coauthored with M. Andrews.
98. Design Tools for Transparent Optical Networks. Bell Labs Technical Journal. 11(2): 129-143, 2006. Coauthored with C. Chekuri, P. Claisse, R. Essiambre, S. Fortune, D. Kilper, W. Lee, K. Nithi, I. Saniee, B. Shepherd, C. White, G. Wilfong.
99. Minimizing Maximum Fiber Requirement in Optical Networks. Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences. 72:171-186, 2006. Coauthored with M. Andrews.
100. Scheduling over a Time-Varying User-Dependent Channel with Applications to High Speed Wireless Data. Journal of the ACM. 52(5): 809-834, 2005. Coauthored with M. Andrews.
101. Source Routing and Scheduling in Packet Networks. Journal of the ACM. 52(4): 582-601, 2005. Coauthored with M.
Andrews, A. Fernandez and A. Goel.
102. The New Paradigm for Wireless Network Optimization: A Synergy of Automated Processes and Human Intervention. IEEE Communications Magazine. Vol. 43, No. 3, March 2005. Coauthored with G. Hampel, D. Abush-Magder, A. Diaz, L. Drabeck, M. Flanagan, J. Graybeal, J. Hobby, M. MacDonald, P. Polakos, J. Srinivasan, H. Trickey and G. Rittenhouse.
103. The Effects of Temporary Sessions on Network Performance. SIAM Journal on Computing. 33(3): 659-673, 2004. Coauthored with M. Andrews.
104. Minimizing End-to-End Delay in High-Speed Networks with a Simple Coordinated Schedule. Journal of Algorithms. 52(1): 57-81, 2004. Coauthored with M. Andrews.
105. Scheduling Protocols for Switches with Large Envelopes. Journal of Scheduling 7(3): 171-186, 2004. Coauthored with M. Andrews.
106. Achieving Stability in Networks of Input-Queued Switches. IEEE/ACM Transaction on Networks, 11(5): 848-857, 2003. Coauthored with M. Andrews.
107. An Improved FPTAS for Restricted Shortest Path. Information Processing Letters, 83(5): 287-291, 2002. Coauthored with F. Ergun and R. Sinha.
108. Approximation Algorithms for Access Network Design. Algorithmica, 34: 197 - 215, 2002. Coauthored with M. Andrews.
109. New Algorithms for Disk Scheduling. Algorithmica, 32: 277-301, 2002. Coauthored with M. Andrews and M. Bender.
110. Fast, Fair and Frugal Bandwidth Allocation in ATM Networks. Algorithmica special issue, Internet Algorithms, 33:272-286, 2002. Coauthored with Y. Bartal, M. Farach-Colton and S. Yooseph.
111. An Augmentation Algorithm for Mincost Multicommodity Flow on a Ring. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 110:301-315, 2001. Coauthored with B. Shepherd.
112. General Dynamic Routing with Per-Packet Delay Guarantees. SIAM Journal on Computing, 30(5): 1594-1623, 2000. Coauthored M. Andrews, A. Fernandez, M. Harchol-Balter and T. Leighton.
113. Improved Bounds for On-Line Load Balancing. Algorithmica, 23(4): 278-301, 1999. Coauthored with M. Andrews and M. X. Goemans.
114. Automatic Methods for Hiding Latency in Parallel and Distributed Computing. SIAM Journal on Computing, 29(2):615-647, 1999. Coauthored with M. Andrews, T. Leighton and P. T. Metaxas.
115. Efficient Execution of Nondeterministic Parallel Programs on Asynchronous Systems. Information and Computation, 139(1): 1-16, 1997. Coauthored with Y. Aumann and M. Bender.


Automatic Inventory Creation via Image Recognition and Overlay. Filed. Coinvented with M. Maag, I. Saniee and G. Wilfong.

Reverse Lottery: 10x Reduction in Computations in Deep Neural Networks. Filed. Coinvented with I. Saniee and B. Magnetta. 

Adaptive Recommendation System and Method for Network-based Content. Filed. Coinvented With S. Kennedy, G. Wilfong and H. Nguyen. 

A Unified Clustering Approach for Identifying Functional Zones in Suburban and Urban Areas. Filed. Coinvented with J. Yang, J. Cao and R. He. 

Anonymization of Identifying Portions of Streaming Data. Filed. Coinvented with M. Andrews, A. Vyas and G. Wilfong. 

Systems And Methods For Processing Graphs. Filed. Coinvented with S. Kennedy.

Sparsification of Pairwise Cost Information. Filed. Coinvented with M. Scharf and G. Wilfong.

Policy Enforcement in a Topology Abstraction System. Filed. Coinvented with M. Scharf, T. Vioth, M. Stein and G. Wilfong.

Methods and Systems for Determining Hierarchical Community Decomposition. Coinvented with S. Kennedy, J. Morgenstern and G. Wilfong.

Cell Sorting In Load-Balanced Switch Fabric. Coinvented with S. Antonakopoulos, S. Fortune and R. McLellan. 

Resource Allocation In Heterogeneous LTE Networks Via CSMA-Based Algorithms. Coinvented with M. Andrews.

Energy-Efficient Network Device with Coordinated Scheduling and Rate Control Using Non-zero Base Power. Coinvented with M. Andrews.

Energy-Efficient Network Devices with Coordinated Scheduling and Processing Rate Control. Coinvented with M. Andrews and S. Antonakopoulos.

Network Scheduling for Energy Efficiency. Coinvented with M. Andrews and A. Fernandez.

Methods for Devices for Scheduling the Transmission of Multicast Messages in Wireless Local Area Networks. 
Coinvented with Y. Bejerano.

Scheduling for Multi-Carrier Wireless Data Systems. Coinvented with M. Andrews.

Method and Apparatus for Scheduling Data Packet Transmission over a Multihop Wireless Backhaul Network. Coinvented with S. Lee, G. Narlikar and G. Wilfong.

Method for Determining a Master Ring for an Optical Communications Network. Coinvented with H. Shachnai.

Methods and Apparatus for Design, Adjustment Or Operation Of Wireless Networks Using Pre-Frequency-Assignment Optimization. Coinvented with C. Chekuri and L. Drabeck.

Methods and Apparatus for Design, Adjustment Or Operation Of Wireless Networks Using Multi-Stage  Optimization. Coinvented with
C. Chekuri, L. Drabeck, K. G. Hampel and P. Polakos.

Quality Of Service Routing In Information Networks Over Paths Having Performance Dependent Costs. Coinvented with F. Ergun and R. Sinha.

A Method for Providing Communications Network Stability. Coinvented with M. Andrews.

Linear Programming Method of Network Design for Carrying Traffic from endnodes to a Core Network at Least Cost. Coinvented with M. Andrews.

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