Manuel Stein was born in Hadamar, Germany, in 1983. He received the Dipl.-Inf. (BA) degree in computer science from the University of Cooperative Education in Stuttgart in 2005. He is currently a researcher at the Bell Labs research department of Alcatel-Lucent Germany. After completing his studies, he conducted research on distributed service delivery platforms for IP Multimedia Subsystem (3GPP IMS) evolution. In 2008, he shifted focus on network virtualization and application of semantic web technologies for network resource management in distributed cloud infrastructures. Since 2012, he has joined activities of the advanced networking research collaboration for CloudBand in Bell Labs.
- A Path Supervision Framework A Key for Service Monitoring in Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) Platforms, T. Voith, K. Oberle, M. Stein, E. Oliveros, G. Gallizo, R. Kübert (2010), Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA), EUROMICRO Conference on p. 127-130
- Bandwidth Sensitive Adaptation of Applications during MRM Controlled Multi-Radio Handover, O. Blume, J. Gebert, M. Stein, D. Sivchenko, B. Xu (2010), Mobile Networks and Management Volume 32, p. 26–37,
- Network virtualization: The missing piece, K. Oberle, M. Kessler, M. Stein, T. Voith, D. Lamp, S. Berger (2009), Intelligence in Next Generation Networks (ICIN), International Conference on p. 1-6,
- Quality of service provisioning for distributed data center inter-connectivity enabled by network virtualization, T. Voith, K. Oberle, M. Stein (2011), Future Generation Computer Systems (Dc),
- Real-time issues in live migration of virtual machines, F. Checconi, T. Cucinotta, M. Stein (2010), Euro-Par 2009–Parallel Processing Workshops 6043/2010 p. 454-466,
- The network aspect of Infrastructure-as-a-Service, K. Oberle, M. Stein, T. Voith, G. Gallizo, R. Kübert (2010), Intelligence in Next Generation Networks (ICIN), International Conference on p. 1–6,
- Virtualised e-Learning on the IRMOS Real-time Cloud, T. Cucinotta, F. Checconi, G. Kousiouris, K. Konstanteli, S. Gogouvitis, D. Kyriazis, T. Varvarigou, A. Mazzetti, Z. Zlatev, J. Papay, M. Boniface, S. Berger, D. Lamp, T. Voith, M. Stein (2011), Service Oriented Computing and Applications Journal 11761,
- Virtualised e-Learning with real-time guarantees on the IRMOS platform, T. Cucinotta, F. Checconi, G. Kousiouris, D. Kyriazis, T. Varvarigou, A. Mazzetti, Z. Zlatev, J. Papay, M. Boniface, S. Berger, D. Lamp, T. Voith, M. Stein (2010), Service-Oriented Computing and Applications (SOCA), International Conference on p. 1-8,
- Execution and Resource Management in QoS-Aware Virtualized Infrastructures, D. Lamp, S. Berger, M. Stein, T. Voith, T. Cucinotta, M. Bertogna (2011), Achieving Real-Time in Distributed Computing: From Grids to Clouds p. 200-217,
- Network Management in Virtualized Infrastructures, M. Stein, K. Oberle, T. Voith, D. Lamp, S. Berger (2011), Achieving Real-Time in Distributed Computing p. 218-235,
- 3GPP IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem) call mobility
- ETSI RACS (Resource and Admission Control Sub-System)
- Heterogenous Access Management
- SIP, H.248, Diameter interfaces
MUSE II (Multi-Service Access Everywhere -
- IMS call mobility and multi-device communication
- Distributed SIP session state machines
IRMOS (Interactive Real-time Multimedia on SOIs -
- Network Virtualization and flow control
- Cloud SLAs, networking KPIs, latency <-> QoE
- Network management automation
Cloud Automation (Bell Labs project / Activity 8: Cloud Execution Environments)
- Soft-RT temporal isolation with KVM
- vNIC virtualization, zero-copy packet processing
CloudBand collaboration (Bell Labs project)
- Network monitoring and abstraction (ALTO)
- Network real-time analysis