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Manzoor Khan

Manzoor Khan

Head of Autonomous Systems Research Department

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Manzoor Khan is head of Autonomous Systems Research Department at Nokia Bell Labs, Murray Hill, USA. The department focuses on AI/ML systems, Decentralized Energy Systems, Autonomous Networks, and Web3 Infrastructure in Murray Hill (USA), Antwerp (Belgium), and Stuttgart (Germany). Manzoor’s research interest span a spectrum of topics in machine learning, reinforcement learning, Web 3.0, decentralized infrastructure, game-theory for communication and enterprise solutions.

Prior to joining Nokia Bell Labs, Manzoor served as head of Connected and Autonomous Mobility research group at Emirates Center of Mobility Research Center and Asst. Professor at Collage of Computer & Network Engineering, Collage of IT, UAEU. He has also served as the Research Director, Director of Network and Mobility Competence Center, and (P)Dozent at Distributed Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Technical University Berlin, Germany. He led and contributed to various large and medium scale R&D projects in Europe, Germany and UAE. Amongst others he served as the technical lead of one of Germany’s flagship research projects towards autonomous driving in Berlin. He was country (Germany)trial site leader for a European Union large-scale project focusing on Intelligent vehicles and smart communication. He led various l industry research projects on the topics of autonomous network management and intelligent mobility. He also served in key roles in various EU, EIT-Digital, Celtic Next research activities. Manzoor is the recipient of several best paper awards and appreciation certificates. He is the author of several scientific publications including conference papers, journal articles, and book chapters.

  • Habilitation degree in smart mobile communication, Technical University Berlin, Germany
  • PhD degree in Computer Science, Technical University Berlin, Germany
Selected Articles and Publications
  • Manzoor Ahmed Khan, Hesham El Sayed, Sumbal Malik, Talha Zia, Jalal Khan, Najla Alkaabi, and Henry Ignatious. Level-5 Autonomous Driving—Are We There Yet? A Review of Research Literature. ACM Computing Surveys
  • Manzoor Ahmed Khan, "Intelligent Environment Enabling Autonomous Driving," in IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 32997-33017, 2021, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3059652.
  • Manzoor Ahmed Khan, Sebastian Peters, Doruk Sahinel, Francisco Denis Pozo-Pardo, Xuan-Thuy Dang, Understanding autonomic network management: A look into the past, a solution for the future, Computer Communications, Volume 122, 2018, Pages 93-117,
  • Manzoor Ahmed Khan and H. Tembine, "Meta-Learning for Realizing Self-x Management of Future Networks," in IEEE Access, vol. 5, pp. 19072-19083, 2017, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2745999.
  • Doruk Sahinel, C. Akpolat, Manzoor Ahmed Khan, F. Sivrikaya and S. Albayrak, "Beyond 5G Vision for IOLITE Community," in IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 55, no. 1, pp. 41-47, January 2017, doi: 10.1109/MCOM.2017.1600372CM.
  • Cem Bila, F. Sivrikaya, Manzoor Ahmed Khan and S. Albayrak, "Vehicles of the Future: A Survey of Research on Safety Issues," in IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 18, no. 5, pp. 1046-1065, May 2017, doi: 10.1109/TITS.2016.2600300
  • Manzoor Ahmed Khan and H. Tembine, "Random matrix games in wireless networks," 2012 IEEE Global High Tech Congress on Electronics, Shenzhen, China, 2012, pp. 81-86, doi: 10.1109/GHTCE.2012.6490129.
  • Manzoor Ahmed Khan and H. Tembine, "Risk-sensitive learners in network selection games," 2012 International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP), Huangshan, China, 2012, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/WCSP.2012.6542987
  • Served as member of the working group of IEEE Communications Society/Virtualized and Software Defined Networks, and Services Standards Committee (COM/NetSoft-SC)
  • Served as member of working group Standard for Communications Architectural Functional Framework for Smart Cities
  • Served as member of Working Group #2 of Vehicular Technology Society/Communications based Train Control and Signal (VT/CBT&SIG) standards committee
  • ITU-T Focus Group on Machine Learning in 5G
  • Served as member of IEEE Technical Committee on Services Computing
  • Served as member of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society Membership
Awards and Recognition
  • PhD with Distinction
  • Best paper and Cash prize in IFIP Wireless days conference, 2008.
  • Certificate/Best paper award in FMN-IPTV of INFOCOM'11
  • Finalist for Best paper award in IEEE Global High Tech Congress on Electronics
  • Best paper award in IEEE ComNet 2018 Conference.

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