I am a graduate engineer of the ENSIIE (Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Informatique pour l'Industrie et l'Entreprise).
I did my thesis from 2005 to 2008 in Orange Labs in Paris, and in the University of Angers. My advisors were Jean-Luc Lutton (Orange Labs) and Jin-Kao Hao (LERIA, University of Angers). My thesis deals with the interdomain and intradomain routing in core networks, and more precisely on iBGP. In iBGP, route reflection may lead routing inconsistencies. In this work, I present an approach to detect bad iBGP network design and to compute robust and valid iBGP network topologies. I also propose a modification of the iBGP route spread rules that fixes iBGP routing issues, which has led to a first patent written with Bruno Decreane. During my thesis, Anthony Lambert and me have written another patent which propose efficient timers that enhance routing protocols convergence, including BGP.
From 2011 to 2014, I am a research engineer at the University Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC/LIP6). I'm also affiliated to the Laboratory of Information, Networking and Communication Sciences (LINCS). I'm working on several projects including libparistraceroute, a library designed to develop active measurement tools, and TopHat, a tool providing Internet measurements.
Since March 2015, I'm a researcher at Nokia Bell Labs (ex-Alcatel-Lucent) in the mathematics department.
2005: Engineer grade of the ENSIIE (Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Informatique pour l'Industrie et l'Entreprise)
2008: PhD thesis (Orange Labs & LERIA, Université d'Angers)
Routage interdomaine et intradomaine dans les réseaux de coeur,
Marc-Olivier Buob, PhD thesis, october 2008
Orange Labs / LERIA [thesis] [slides]
International conferences
Designing optimal iBGP route-reflection topologies,
Marc-Olivier Buob, Steve Uhlig, Mickaël Meulle
IFIP Networking 2008 [paper] [slides]
Improving Internet-wide routing protocols convergence with MRPC timers,
Anthony Lambert, Marc-Olivier Buob, Steve Uhlig
ACM CoNEXT 2009 [paper] [slides]
Violation of interdomain routing assumptions
Riad Mazloum, Marc-Olivier Buob, Jordan Augé, Bruno Baynat, Dario Rossi, Timur Friedman
PAM 2014 [paper] [slides]
Achieving scale: Large scale active measurement from PlanetLab
Marc-Olivier Buob, Jordan Augé
PhD school of TMA 2014website [slides]
A Fistful of Pings: Accurate and Lightweight Anycast Enumeration and Geolocation
Danilo Cicalese, Diana Zeaiter Joumblatt, Dario Rossi, Marc-Olivier Buob, Jordan Augé, Timur Friedman
INFOCOM'2015 [paper] [slides]
iBGP2: a scalable iBGP redistribution mechanism leading to optimal routing
Marc-Olivier Buob, Anthony Lambert, Steve Uhlig
INFOCOM'2016 [paper] [sources] [slides]
Log Analysis via Space-time Pattern Matching
Anne Bouillard, Marc-Olivier Buob, Maxime Raynal, Achille Salaün
Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM'2018) [paper]
Space-Time Pattern Extraction in Alarm Logs for Network Diagnosis
Achille Salaün, Anne Bouillard, Marc-Olivier Buob
2nd IFIP International Conference on Machine Learning for Networking (MLN'2019) [paper]
A Novel Pattern-Based Edit Distance for Automatic Log Parsing
Maxime Raynal, Marc-Olivier Buob, Georges Quénot
26th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'2022) [paper] [slides] [sources]
International workshops
Checking for optimal egress points in iBGP routing,
Marc-Olivier Buob, Mickaël Meulle, Steve Uhlig
6th International Workshop on Design and Reliable Communication Networks (DRCN'2007) [paper] [slides]
On multi-exit routings and AS relationships
Riad Mazloum, Marc-Olivier Buob, Jordan Augé, Bruno Baynat, Timur Friedman, Dario Rossi
CAIDA - Workshop on Active Internet Measurements (ISMA 2013 AIMS-5) [slides]
Overview of BGP
Marc-Olivier Buob
Panel member of Network of Excellence in Internet Science (EINS 2013) [slides]
Application-agnostic remote access for Bluetooth Low Energy
Natalya Rozhnova, Marc-Olivier Buob, Richard Douville
INFOCOM Workshops 2018 [paper] [sources]
Demo Abstract - End-to-end Root Cause Analysis of a Mobile Network,
Achille Salaün, Anne Bouillard, Marc-Olivier Buob
INFOCOM Workshops 2020 [paper]
A novel pattern-based edit distance for automatic log parsing: Implementation and reproducibility notes,
Maxime Raynal, Marc-Olivier Buob, Georges Quénot,
RRPR 2022 : Fourth Workshop on Reproducible Research in Pattern Recognition [paper] [slides] [sources]
French conferences
Un modèle de graphe et de dioïde pour le routage interdomaine,
Marc-Olivier Buob, Mickaël Meulle, Jean-Luc Lutton
Colloque Francophone sur l'Ingénierie des Protocoles (CFIP'2006) [paper] [slides]
Conception de réseau iBGP,
Marc-Olivier Buob, Steve Uhlig, Mickaël Meulle
Colloque Francophone sur l'Ingénierie des Protocoles (CFIP'2008) [paper] [slides]
iBGP2: un meÌcanisme de redistribution iBGP menant aÌ€ un routage optimal
Marc-Olivier Buob, Anthony Lambert, Steve Uhlig
Algotel'2017 [paper] [sources] [slides]
FOLC-SR : souple et solide à la fois,
Marc-Olivier Buob, Bruno Decraene, Steve Uhlig, Fabien Mathieu
Algotel'2019 [paper]
DIG-DAG: stockage et recherche de motifs dans un flux d'événements
Anne Bouillard, Marc-Olivier Buob, Achille Salaün, Maxime Raynal
Algotel'2020 [paper]
Gismo : Mettez un tigre dans votre moteur Gismo: Put a tiger in your engine,
Marc-Olivier Buob, Fabien Mathieu
Algotel'2020 [paper]
Distributed active measurement of Internet queuing delays
Pellegrino Casoria, Dario Rossi, Jordan Augé, Marc-Olivier Buob, Timur Friedman, Antonio Pescape
PAM 2014 [paper]
Latency-based anycast geolocation: algorithms, software and datasets
Danilo Cicalese, Diana Joumblatt, Dario Rossi, Marc-Olivier Buob, Jordan Augé, Timur Friedman
JSAC'2016 [paper] [web site]