Mikko Uusitalo is Head of Research Department Wireless Advanced Technologies at Nokia Bell Labs Finland. Mikko is leading the European 6G Flagship Hexa-X. He obtained a M.Sc. (Eng.) and Dr.Tech. in 1993 and 1997 and a B.Sc. (Economics) in 2003, all from predecessors of Aalto University. Mikko has been at Nokia since 2000 with various roles, including Principal Researcher and Head of International Cooperation at Nokia Research. Mikko is a founding member of the CELTIC EUREKA and WWRF.
1 Articles found
1997 Doctor of Technology, Low Temperature lab, TKK (Aalto)
1993 M.Sc. (technical physics), TKK (Aalto)
2003 B.Sc. (economics and business administration), HKKK (Aalto)
+Representative of Nokia, EICTA committee on research&development, 2000-2006
+Chair, EICTA issue group on EU Framework programme, 2002-2003
+Member, Tekes national strategy group on Information Society Technologies, 1999-2006
+Representative of Finland in expert role, IST Committee, 1999-2000
+Founding member and Nokia representative, EUREKA CELTIC core group, 2003-2005
+Member, EUREKA ITEA board support group, 2000-2003
+Chair, Wireless World Research Forum, 2004-2006
+Chair, Vision Committee of Wireless World Research Forum, 2003-2006
+Member of the board, Wireless World Research Forum, 2001-2006
+Founder and first president, Medical Technology Club PLÄTTY, Helsinki University of Technology, 1993
+Vice president, PIK ry, the biggest aviation club in Finland, 1998
+Representative of Finland in Chemistry Olympics in 1989
+Member of the board, Low Temperature Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology, 1994-1995
+Membre de Comité directeur de l' Association Franco-finlandaise pour la Recherche Scientifique et Technique 2006-2010
+Chair of Tekes GIGA program topic group on wireless access networks 2009-2010
+EIT ICT labs Finland research coordinator 2010-2011
+Chairman of the board, Tekes technology program TRIAL, 2010-2014.
+Nokia representative in board of METIS, 2012-2015
+Nokia representative in board of METIS-II, 2015-2017
+Member of the board, Tekes technology program 5G, 2015-2018
+Chairman of the board, WIVE Wireless for Verticals nationally funded project 2017-2019 (budget about 18 Meuro)
+Member of Nokia Donations committee, 2015-
+Chairman of the board, 5G VIIMA nationally funded project 2019-2021
+Initiator and Coordinator of EU 6G Flagship Hexa-X 2020-
+Chair of General Assembly of EU 6G Flagship Hexa-X
+5G PPP Steering Board member 2021-
+Cross of Merit of the Order of White Rose from President of Finland, 2020
+Award for advancing ecommunications via the TRIAL program in 2013
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