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Mikko Uusitalo

Mikko Uusitalo

Head of Department, Radio Systems Research Finland

Espoo, Finland

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Mikko Uusitalo is Head of Research Department Wireless Advanced Technologies at Nokia Bell Labs Finland. Mikko is leading the European 6G Flagship Hexa-X. He obtained a M.Sc. (Eng.) and Dr.Tech. in 1993 and 1997 and a B.Sc. (Economics) in 2003, all from predecessors of Aalto University. Mikko has been at Nokia since 2000 with various roles, including Principal Researcher and Head of International Cooperation at Nokia Research. Mikko is a founding member of the CELTIC EUREKA and WWRF.


1997           Doctor of Technology, Low Temperature lab, TKK (Aalto)

1993           M.Sc. (technical physics), TKK (Aalto)

2003           B.Sc. (economics and business administration), HKKK (Aalto)


+Representative of Nokia, EICTA committee on research&development, 2000-2006

+Chair, EICTA issue group on EU Framework programme, 2002-2003

+Member, Tekes national strategy group on Information Society Technologies, 1999-2006

+Representative of Finland in expert role, IST Committee, 1999-2000

+Founding member and Nokia representative, EUREKA CELTIC core group, 2003-2005

+Member, EUREKA ITEA board support group, 2000-2003

+Chair, Wireless World Research Forum, 2004-2006

+Chair, Vision Committee of Wireless World Research Forum, 2003-2006

+Member of the board, Wireless World Research Forum, 2001-2006

+Founder and first president, Medical Technology Club PLÄTTY, Helsinki University of Technology, 1993

+Vice president, PIK ry, the biggest aviation club in Finland, 1998

+Representative of Finland in Chemistry Olympics in 1989

+Member of the board, Low Temperature Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology, 1994-1995

+Membre de Comité directeur de l' Association Franco-finlandaise pour la Recherche Scientifique et Technique 2006-2010

+Chair of Tekes GIGA program topic group on wireless access networks 2009-2010

+EIT ICT labs Finland research coordinator 2010-2011

+Chairman of the board, Tekes technology program TRIAL, 2010-2014.

+Nokia representative in board of METIS, 2012-2015

+Nokia representative in board of METIS-II, 2015-2017

+Member of the board, Tekes technology program 5G, 2015-2018

+Chairman of the board, WIVE Wireless for Verticals nationally funded project 2017-2019 (budget about 18 Meuro)

+Member of Nokia Donations committee, 2015-

+Chairman of the board, 5G VIIMA nationally funded project 2019-2021

+Initiator and Coordinator of EU 6G Flagship Hexa-X 2020-

+Chair of General Assembly of EU 6G Flagship Hexa-X

+5G PPP Steering Board member 2021-

Awards and Recognition

+Cross of Merit of the Order of White Rose from President of Finland, 2020

+Award for advancing ecommunications via the TRIAL program in 2013

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