In my research career spanning 22+ years, I have made significant contributions, scientifically as well as to the business aspects of wireless, IP and multimedia networking. I have established a distinguished track record showcasing (1) ability to identify critical, impactful research topics ahead of their time, (2) ingenuity and insights to find innovative solutions, (3) skills to build teams and find needed resources, and (4) focus, hard work and perseverance to take ideas from concepts to novel prototype solutions that can lead to technology transfer.
My areas of expertise include wireless networks, large scale networked systems, video communications, network security and mobile and cloud computing. My recent work is in the area of high capacity wireless networks, in particular small cells that exploit shared spectrum via dynamic spectrum access (DSA) technologies. My past work has been in areas of all-wireless mesh networks, mobile routers, 802.11/3G integration gateways, video streaming and caching servers, edge routers and security protocols. I have authored 45+ technical papers and hold 15 US or international patents. According to Google Scholar, my research publications have recorded 4400+ citations and are well recognized within the community. More importantly, my research has correctly predicted new technology directions well ahead in time. For example, two concepts I pioneered and researched, namely the concept of database coordinated dynamic spectrum access (2004) and ultra-broadband small cells using shared spectrum (2009) have now emerged as promising new technology and spectrum policy directions.
I have been co-founder and chief architect of two wireless technology ventures and have successfully transitioned assets created in my research projects to business divisions. For my contributions to Bell Labs and Alcatel-Lucent, I have received Distinguished Member of Technical Staff (2012) award, Lucent Chairman Award (2006) and Bell Labs President's Innovation Award (2003). I am also a co-founder of a premier IEEE conference (IEEE DySPAN) and have served on editorial boards of IEEE/ACM Journal of Networking and Elsevier's Computer Networks Journal. I have served on numerous US National Science Foundation (NSF) panels and secured 1.2+ million dollars in research funding. I have frequently delivered invited presentations and tutorials on future technology directions to audiences in top-tier research forums and trade shows and to business customers world-wide.
D.Sc. in Computer Science (1998) Department of Computer Science, Washington University in St. Louis M.Tech. in Communication Engineering (1988) Indian Institute of Technology (I.I.T.), Bombay (Mumbai), India
M. Buddhikot, “Towards a Virtual Cellular Network in Variable Grade Spectrum: Challenges and Opportunities,” (invited paper), ACM Mobicom 2013, Oct 2013.S. Sen, T. Zhang, M. Buddhikot, S. Banerjee, D. Samardzija and S. Walker, A Dual Technology Femto Cell Architecture for Robust Communication using Whitespaces (Best Paper Award), Proceedings of IEEE DySPAN 2012, Seattle, Oct 16-19, 2012.M. Buddhikot, “Understanding Dynamic Spectrum Access: Models, Taxonomy and Challenges,” Proceedings of IEEE DySPAN 2007, Dublin, Ireland, April, 2007.M. Buddhikot, P. Kolodzy, S. Miller, K. Ryan and J. Evans, “DIMSUMnet: New Directions in Wireless Networking Using Coordinated Dynamic Spectrum Access,” (Position Paper) IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (IEEE WoWMoM 2005), Taromina/Giardini Naxos, Italy, June, 2005.U. K. Paul, M. Buddhikot and S. R. Das, Opportunistic Traffic Scheduling in Cellular Data Networks, Proceedings of IEEE DySPAN 2012, Bellevue, Washington, Oct 2012.U. Paul, A. P. Subramanian, M. Buddhikot and Samir R. Das, “Understanding Traffic Dynamics in Cellular Data Networks”, Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM 2011, Shanghai, China.G. Fusco, M. Buddhikot, H. Gupta, and S. Venkatesan, “Finding Green Spots and Turning the Spectrum Dial: Novel Techniques for Green Mobile Wireless Networks,” Proceedings of IEEE DySPAN 2011 pg. 613-617, May 2011.K. Ramachandran, E. Belding, K. Almeroth, and M. Buddhikot, “Interference Aware Channel Assignment in Multi-Radio Wireless Mesh Networks,” IEEE Infocom, Barcelona, Spain, April, 2006.K. Ramachandran, M. Buddhikot, G. Chandranmenon, S. Miller, E. Belding-Royer, K. Almeroth, “On the Design of Infrastructure Mesh Networks,” Proceedings of First IEEE Workshop on Wireless Mesh Networks, Santa Clara, CA, August, 2005.M. Buddhikot, G. Chandranmenon, S. J. Han, Y. W. Lee, S. Miller and L. Salgarelli, “Integration of 802.11 and Third Generation Wirelesss Data Networks,” Proceedings of IEEE Infocom 2003, San Francisco, CA, April, 2003.M. Buddhikot, A. Hari, K. Singh and S. Miller, MobileNAT: A New Technique for Mobility Across Heterogeneous Address Spaces, Proceedings of First ACM International Workshop on Mobile Applications and Services in HotSpots(WMASH) (in conjunction with ACM Mobicom 2003), Sept 2003
Method and system for spectrum management, US Patent 8,532,045Dynamic Resource Sharing among Cellular Networks, US Patent US 8620383 B2Method and Apparatus of Dynamic Spectrum Sharing In Cellular Network, US 20130295946 A1Interference aware routing in multi-radio wireless mesh networks, US Patent 8,532,023Method and apparatus for providing IP mobility and IP routing in ad hoc wireless networks, US Patent 8,374,124, European Patent EP 211708Apparatus and method for practical and efficient broadcast in mobile ad hoc networks, US Patent 8,042,017Method and system for mobility across heterogeneous address spaces, US Patent 7630341, US 8451797Mobility access gateway, US Patent 7562393, US Patent 833914Integrated web cache, US Patent 749940, US 8174982Method And System For Data Layout And Replacement In Distributed Steaming Caches On The Internet, US Patent 6999988Method And System For Data Layout And Replacement In Distributed Streaming Caches On A Network, US Patent 7085843Scheme for Authentication and Dynamic Key Exchange, US Patent 7231521, US 8140845Method and System for Mobility Across Heterogeneous Address Spaces, US Patent 7453852Method And Apparatus for Authenticating Nodes in a Wireless Network, European Patent granted in Germany, France, Great Britain, EP2196043Method of Identifying A Transmitting Device, Patent granted in South Korea KR101190537 and in Europe EP 2,311,279
Li Li Cao, Heather Zheng, Maziar Nekovee, Milind Buddhikot, “Market Driven Sharing of Spectrum in Infrastructure Networks”, (Invited), Cognitive Radio Communications and Network: Principles and Practice, Academic Press, November 2009.Buddhikot, M., Suri, S., and Waldvogel, M.,"Space Decomposition Techniques for Fast Layer-4 Switching," Protocols for High Speed Networks, Kluwer Academic Press, October 1999, ISBN-0-7923-8690-6.Buddhikot, M., Parulkar, G., Rangan, V., and Sampatkumar, S.,"Design of Storage Servers and Storage Hierarchies," (Invited) Handbook of Multimedia Systems, Prentice Hall International, Inc., ISBN 0-13-207325-0.Buddhikot, M., and Parulkar, G.,"Efficient Data Layout, Scheduling and Playout Control in MARS," Lecture Notes in Computer Science series, Vol. 1018, Springer-Verlag, ISBN 3-540-606475
Editor: Member of the Editorial board of IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TON) (2003-2009)Editor: Member of the Editorial board of Elsevier's Journal of Computer Networks (2003-2007)General Co-chair: IEEE DySPAN 2010Technical Program Committee Chair: IEEE DySPAN 2008Deputy Chair, Patron Chair: Second IEEE Conference on New Frontiers in Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks (IEEE DySPAN 2007)Founding member: First IEEE Conference on New Frontiers in Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks (IEEE DySPAN 2005)Founder, General Chair: First International Workshop on Technology and Policy for Accessing Spectrum (TAPAS 2006)Co-chair: ACM WMASH 2005 workshop in conjunction with ACM Mobicom.Panel Member: USA National Science Foundation (NSF)Panel Chair: ACM WMASH 2004Co-guest-editor of March 2001 Special Issue of IEEE Network magazine on "Fast IP Packet forwarding and Classification for Next Generation Internet Services"Program Committee Member : IEEE ICNP2002-2005, IEEE DySPAN 2005-2010, INFOCOM 2007-10, IEEE SECON 2007-08, ACM MOBIHOC 2007Tutorials Offered: Globecom 2002, ASWN 2004, Mobiquitous 2004, COMSWARE 2006, IEEE WCNC 2008.
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