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Mohand Achouche

Mohand Achouche

Paris-Saclay, France

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Mohand Achouche received a PhD degree from Paris VII (Jussieu) University in 1996. His research activities started in 1993 at National Centre of Telecommunication Research (CNET, Laboratoire de Bagneux) on the fabrication and characterization of HEMT transistors for high speed circuits. During 1997-2000, he was with Ferdinand Braun Institute (FBH-Berlin) working on power amplifiers based on GaAs HBTs for mobile communications. In 2000, he joined Alcatel Research and Innovation where he was first involved in 40Gb/s photodiodes. In 2004, he was in charge of a research team on photoreceivers for high speed optical communication systems, microwave photonics links and sensors. In 2011, he was in charge of Photonic integrated Circuit department working on transmitters and receivers based integrated photonic circuits. Since 2013, he is in charge of Opto-Electronic Integrated Circuits department.

  • Master degree from University of Paris (1993)
  • PhD degree from University of Paris (1996)

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