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Nakjung Choi

Nakjung Choi

Department Head

Murray Hill, NJ, USA

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Nakjung Choi received the BS and PhD degrees from the School of Computer Science and Engineering, Seoul National University, in 2002 and 2009, respectively. He is a Research Department Head of End-to-end Networked Systems and also Distinguished Member of Technical Staff with Nokia Bell Labs, Murray Hill, New Jersey, where he has worked for Bell Labs since April 2010. Also, he has received several awards such as Best Paper Awards and Awards of Excellence (formerly Bell Labs, Alcatel-Lucent). His research focuses on SDN/NFV/Cloud, network slicing orchestration, IoT, especially B5G/6G and service automation.


Ph.d., School of Computer Science and Engineering, Seoul National University, August 2009

Selected Articles and Publications

Nakjung Choi, Jeongran Lee, Jaehyun Hwang, "Scalable and Energy Efficient WiFi Management," accepted for IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), Las Vegas, USA, January 2014.

Jaime Llorca, Antonia Tulino, Kyle C Guan, Jairo O Esteban, Matteo Varvello, Nakjung Choi, and Dan Kilper, "Dynamic In-Network Caching for Energy Efficient Content Delivery," IEEE INFOCOM 2013 (mini-conference), Turin, Italy, July 2013.

Nakjung Choi, Kyle C. Guan, Dan Kilper, and Gary Atkinson, "In-Network Caching Effect on Optimal Energy Consumption in Content-Centric Networking," IEEE ICC 2012, Ottawa, Canada, June 2012.


Youjin Kim, Youngsik Jung, Jaedu Huh, Nakjung Choi, Choongho Lee, Soyoung Park, Taekyoung Kwon and Yanghee Choi,"Method of Transmission and Reception Data Frame of Supporting Video MAC Protocol and System," Korea Patent 10-0932125, December 8, 2009.

Nakjung Choi, Eunkyoung Paik, Minji Nam, Jiho Ryu, Sejun Park, Byungsoo Chang and Yanghee Choi, "Peer mobile router authentication method, and multiple peer care-of addresses registration method, and mobile router failover method for multi-homed mobile networks," Korea Patent 10-0886081-0000, February 20, 2009.

Nakjung Choi, Chulhyun Park, Jiho Ryu, Taekyoung Kwon, Yanghee Choi and Eunkyoung Paik,"Multiple Network Interface Apparatus and Method, and Traffic Control Option Information Transmission Method and Network Interface Selection Method in Its ," Korea Patent 10-0840463-0000, June 16, 2008.


Nakjung Choi, Jiho Ryu, Yongho Seok, Taekyoung Kwon and Yanghee Choi, "Optimizing Aggregate Throughput of Upstream TCP Flows over IEEE 802.11 Wireless LANs," a chapter (Resource management in WLANs) in 4G Mobile and Wireless Communications Technologies, Sofoklis Kyriazakos, Ioannis Soldatos, and George Karetsos (Ed), River Publishers, August 2008.


AsiaFI ICN WG Co-chair

JTC1/SC39 (Sustainable IT) Korea Committee Member

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