PETER SCHEFCZIK is a member of technical staff at Bell Labs, Germany. In his career he has been involved in the design and development of network architectures and advanced protocols for both wireless and wireline communication systems. In addition to his work in second to fifth generation wireless network architectures, heterogeneous access networks, and network convergence he has played a key role in the design and creation of the Base Station Router (BSR), which lead to the advent of the Small Cell industry. His current research interests concentrate on laying the foundations for cloud based radio access networks including network slicing and dynamic network orchestration for future virtualized radio access networks. Dr. Schefczik holds several international patents in the area of data transmission and mobile networks. He has also authored and co-authored numerous articles and research papers in this field.
- Ph.D. (Dr. rer. nat.) in Mathematics
University of Erlangen-Nuernberg, Germany
1989 - M.S. Mathematics (Diplom Mathematiker)
University of Erlangen-Nuernberg, Germany
- Fariborz Derakhshan, Heidrun Grob-Lipski, Horst Roessler, Peter Schefczik, Michael Soellner, "Enabling Cloud Connectivity Using SDN and NFV Technologies", Fifth International Conference on Mobile Networks And Management, MONAMI 2013, Cork, Ireland, September 23.-25. 2013. To appear in volume 0125 of the Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering series
- Michael Soellner, Bernd Haberland, Heidrun Grob-Lipski, Fariborz Derakhshan, Peter Schefczik, Werner Rehm, "Radio Base Stations in the Cloud", Future Networks & Mobile Summit 2013, Lisbon, Portugal, July 3.-5. 2013
- Bernd Haberland, Heidrun Grob-Lipski, Fariborz Derakhshan, Peter Schefczik, Michael Soellner, Ralf Klotsche, Werner Rehm, "Radio Base Stations in the Cloud", Bell Labs Technical Journal, Vol. 18, No. 1, 2013, (General Papers Issue, Guest Editors: Volker Hilt and Catherine Lefevre), Wiley Inter Science
- Fariborz Derakhshan, Heidrun Grob-Lipski, Horst Roessler, Peter Schefczik, Michael Soellner, "On Converged Multidomain Management of Connectivity in Heterogeneous Networks", Future Networks & Mobile Summit 2012,Berlin, Germany, July 04. - 06. 2012
- Amanpreet Singh, Andreas Timm-Giel, Peter Schefczik, Horst Roessler, and Michael Scharf, "Evaluation of the Generic Connectivity Architecture for Mobility and Multipath Flow Management", MONET 2011, ACM Springer Mobile Networks and Applications (MONET), Special Issue on Mobile Networks and Management, Springer, Kostas Pentikousis, Ramón Agüero, Symeon Papavassiliou (editors), 2011
- Amanpreet Singh, Christoph Nass, Andreas Timm-Giel, Peter Schefczik, Horst Roessler, Michael Scharf, "Generic Connectivity Architecture for Mobility and Multipath Flow Management in the Future Internet", MONAMI 2010, Second International ICST Conference on Mobile Networks And Management, Santander, Spain, September 22. - 24. 2010
- Michael Scharf, Thomas Banniza, Peter Schefczik, Amanpreet Singh, Andreas Timm-Giel, "Evaluation and Prototyping of Multipath Protocol Mechanisms", Euroview 2010, 10th Wuerzburg Workshop on IP: Joint ITG, ITC, and Euro-NF Workshop "Visions of Future Generation Networks", Wuerzburg, Germany, August 02. - 03. 2010
- Michael Soellner, Peter Schefczik, et al., "Mobility in the Future Internet: the 4WARD Innovations", Second Future Internet Cluster Workshop, Future Network & Mobile Summit 2010, Florence, Italy, June 15. 2010
- Peter Schefczik, Anja Wiedemann, "On the Estimation of Signalling Performance and Efficiency in UMTS and Beyond Radio Access Architectures", 2009 River Publishers Series in Information Science and Technology, Demetres D. Kouvatsos (ed.), Performance Modelling and Analysis of Heterogeneous Networks, pp 245 - 275, River Publishers, 2009, ISBN 8792329187, River Publishers, UK
- Thomas-Rolf Banniza, Dietrich Boettle, Ralf Klotsche, Peter Schefczik, Michael Soellner, Klaus Wuenstel, "A European Approach to a Clean Slate Design for the Future Internet", Bell Labs Technical Journal, Summer 2009, (Special Issue: Networking, Issue Edited by Krishan Sabnani), Wiley Inter Science
- Philippe Bertin, Rui Aguiar, Mats Folke, Peter Schefczik, Xiaofei Zhang, "Paths to Mobility Support in the Future Internet", ICT-Mobile Summit 2009, Santander, Spain, June 10. 2009
- Peter Schefczik, Michael Soellner, Dirk Kutscher, Kevin Loos, Dirk Meyer, "ScaleNet-TV2Go: A Personalized Mobile Multimedia Service", Wireless Communication and Information WCI 2008, Juergen Sieck/Michael A. Herzog (Hrsg.), Verlag Werner Huelsbusch, ISBN: 978-3-940317-51-3, Boizenburg, 2009
- Dirk Kutscher, Dirk Meyer, Kevin Loos, Peter Schefczik, Michael Soellner, "A Personalized, Robust Mobile TV Service for Converging Networks",13. VDE/ITG Mobilfunktagung 2008, Osnabrueck, Germany, May 28.-29. 2008
- Michael Soellner, Dirk Kutscher, Peter Schefczik, "Mitnehm.TV, Personalized, Robust Mobile TV in Converging Networks", MobileTV World Congress 08, Paris, France, January 29. – February 01. 2008
- Nadeem Akhtar, Cornelia Kappler, Peter Schefczik, Laurensius Tionardi, Di Zhou, "Network Composition: A Framework for Dynamic Interworking between Networks", International Conference on Communications and Networking in China, ChinaCom 2007, Shanghai, China, August 22.-24. 2007
- Markus Bauer, Armin Dekorsy, Peter Schefczik, and Michael Soellner, "IP-Driven Access-Independent Resource Management in Converged Access Networks", Bell Labs Technical Journal, Vol. 12, Issue. 2, Summer 2007, (Special Issue: Bell Labs International. Issue Edited by Lawrence Cowsar), Wiley Inter Science
- Markus Bauer, Armin Dekorsy, Peter Schefczik, and Michael Soellner, "Converged Access Networks: Unified Resource Management and Network Architecture", 12. VDE/ITG Mobilfunktagung 07, Osnabrueck, Germany, May 30.-31. 2007
- Markus Bauer, Peter Bosch, Nidal Khrais, Louis G. Samuel, and Peter Schefczik, "The UMTS Base Station Router (BSR)", Bell Labs Technical Journal, Vol. 11, No. 4, Winter 2007, (Special Issue: Wireless Network Technology. Issue Edited by Joseph A. Tarallo, James S. Peterson), Wiley Inter Science
- Peter Schefczik, Anja Wiedemann, Erwin P. Rathgeb, "A Generic, Flexible and Efficient Approach for Assessing Future Radio Access Network Evolution Scenarios”, IEEE Infocom Conference, Infocom 2005, Miami, FL USA, March 13.-17. 2005
- Andreas Mitschele-Thiel, Peter Schefczik, Anja Wiedemann, "Comparison of Signalling Performance in the UMTS Radio Access Network and a Merged Radio Access Network Architecture”, Wireless Communications and Networking conference, WCNC 2005, New Orleans, LA USA, March 13.-17.03.2005
- Peter Schefczik, Anja Wiedemann, "Comparison of UMTS Architecture Evolution Scenarios", OPNET network, application modeling and simulation conference, OPNETWork 2004, Washington, D.C. USA, August 30. - September 03. 2004
- Peter Schefczik, Anja Wiedemann, "Comparison of UMTS and Beyond Architecture Evolution Scenarios", HET-NETs 2004, Bradford/Ilkley UK, July 26. - 28. 2004
- Andreas Mitschele-Thiel, Peter Schefczik, Anja Wiedemann, "Architecture Optimization of 3rd Generation Wireless Systems based on Use Cases", Applied Telecommunication Symposium 2004, Arlington, VA USA, April 18.-22. 2004
- Markus Bauer, Peter Schefczik, Michael Soellner, Wilfried Speltacker, "Evolution of the UTRAN Architecture", 3G Mobile Communication Technologies, 3G2003, London, UK, June 25.-27. 2003
- Anja Wiedemann , Peter Schefczik, Georgios Nikolaidis, "Simulation Methodology for Assessing MXRAN Architecture Performance", Analytical and Stochastic Modelling Techniques and Applications, ASTMA 2003, Nottingham, UK, June 09.-11. 2003
- Nikos Frangiadakis, Georgios Nikolaidis, Peter Schefczik, Anja Wiedemann, "MxRAN Functional Architecture Performance Modeling", OPNET network, application modeling and simulation conference, OPNETWork 2002, Washington, D.C. USA, August 26.-30. 2002
- Peter Schefczik, Andreas Mitschele-Thiel, Michael Soellner, "On Scenario-Based Performance Simulation", Third International Workshop on Software and Performance, WOSP 2002, Rome, Italy, July 24.-26. 2002
- Hans-Juergen Kettschau, Stefan Brück, Peter Schefczik, "LUCAS - an Expert System for Intelligent Fault Management and Alarm Correlation", Network Operations and Management Symposium, NOMS 2002, Florence, Italy, April 15.-19. 2002
- Peter Schefczik, Georg von Harten, "GPRS Uplink Power Control", Wireless Workshop on Signals, Systems and Circuits, WWSSC 2000, Rottach-Egern, Germany, April 10.-12. 2000
- Peter Schefczik, "Performance Simulation for the General Packet Radio Service, GPRS", Third annual OPNET user conference, OPNETWork 1999, Washington, D.C. USA, August 30. – September 03. 1999
- Peter is (co-) inventor of 25+ patents, see Espacenet - results view