Petros Ramantanis was born in Kavala, Greece in 1982. He received a degree in electrical & computer engineering from the National Technical University of Athens in 2006, a master's degree from Ecole Polytechnic in 2007 and a PhD from Télécom SurParis in 2011. In 2013 he joined the optical telecommunications group of Bell Labs in Villarceaux, France as a research engineer.
1 Articles found
- (2001-2006): National Technical University of Athens (NTUA). Degree of electrical & Computer engineering with a specialty in telecommunications, networks & computer science.
- (2006-2007): École Polytechnique, 91128 Palaiseau, France. Master's degree on optics, matter & plasma, specialty “Optics and photonics”.
- (2008-31/05/2011): Télécom SudParis, 9 Rue Charles Fourier, 91011 Evry, France. PhD thesis on the analysis of optical transmission systems using QPSK modulation.
Selected Articles and Publications
- P. Ramantanis, A. Seck, J. Vuong, D. Bendimerad, Y.Frignac: “Spectral shaping tradeoffs in Root-Raised-Cosine PDM-QPSK nonlinear transmission”, In Proc 38th European Conference Communication ECOC 2012, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.P. Ramantanis and Y.Frignac; “Pattern-dependent nonlinear impairments on QPSK signals in dispersion-managed optical transmission systems”. In Proc. 36th European Conference on Optical Communication ECOC 2010, Torino, Italy.
- J. Vuong, P. Ramantanis, A. Seck, D. Bendimerad and Y.Frignac: “Understanding discrete linear mode coupling in few-mode fiber transmission systems”. In Proc. 37th European Conference Communication ECOC 2011, Geneva, Switzerland.
- P. Ramantanis, H. Badaoui, and Y. Frignac. “Quaternary sequences comparison for the modeling of optical DQPSK dispersion managed transmission systems”. In Proc. Conference on Optical Fiber Communication - includes post deadline papers OFC 2009. 2009, pp. 1-3.
- Research associate (2011-2012): "Physical investigation of ultra-high spectral efficiency optical transport systems" at Télécom SudParis.
- Teaching (2008-2011): “Light polarization” for the master’s program “Electrical and optical engineering” at Télécom SudParis.
- Lectures to non-scientific public (2010): . Demonstrating the generation of surface plasmons in a gold film of nanometric thickness at Palais de la découverte.
- Teaching assistance (02/2008-04/2009): Teaching assistance for two undergraduate courses: “Series and Integrals” and “Regular Functions” at Université Pierre & Marie Curie.