Qi Liao has been working as a Senior Research Engineer at Nokia Bell Labs in Stuttgart, Germany, since 2015. She received the M.S. in E.E. degree and the Dr.-Ing. degree from Heinrich-Hertz-Chair for Information Theory and Theoretical Information Technology, Technical University of Berlin in 2010 and 2015, respectively. From 2010 to 2013 she was a research associate at Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications, Heinrich Hertz Institute, Berlin. From 2013 to 2014, she was a PhD intern in the Department of Statistics and Learning Research at Bell Labs in Murray Hill, NJ. Since 2015 she has been a research scientist at Bell Labs, Stuttgart, Germany. Her current research interests include optimization for multi-agent systems, resource allocation, stochastic optimization, machine learning and deep learning techniques. She holds more than 50 peer-reviewed publications including journals, conference papers, and granted patents.
- Dr.-Ing. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Technical University of Berlin, Germany (2015). Studied information theory, stochastic process optimization, and multi-agent systems. Also worked on machine learning and big data analysis during 2013-2014 at Bell Labs, Murray Hill, USA.
- M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Technical University of Berlin, Germany (2009).
- Qi Liao, Tze-Yang Tung, "AdaSem: Adaptive Goal-Oriented Semantic Communications for End-to-End Camera Relocalization", IEEE INFOCOM, 2024.
- Tianlun Hu, Qi Liao, Qiang Liu, Antonio Massaro and Georg Carle, "Fast and scalable network slicing by integrating deep learning with Lagrangian methods", IEEE GLOBECOM, 2023.
- Tianlun Hu, Qi Liao, Qiang Liu, Georg Carle, “Inter-cell network slicing with transfer learning empowered multi-agent deep reinforcement learning”, IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society (OJ-COMS), 2023.
- Tianlun Hu, Qi Liao, Dan Wellington and Georg Carle, “Inter-Cell Slicing Resource Partitioning via Coordinated Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning”, IEEE ICC, 2022 (Best Paper Award).
- Qi Liao, Tianlun Hu and Dan Wellington, “Knowledge Transfer in Deep Reinforcement Learning for Slice-Aware Mobility Robustness Optimization”, IEEE ICC, 2022.
- Qi Liao, Nikolaj Marchenko, and Tianlun Hu, Lutz Ewe, Peter Kulics, "HARU: Haptic Augmented Reality-Assisted User-Centric Industrial Network Planning", IEEE GLOBECOM, 2022.
- Arsham Mostaani, Thang X. Vu, Shree Krishana Shama, Van-Dinh Nguyen, Qi Liao, Symeon Chatzinotas, "Task-Oriented Communication Design in Cyber-Physical Systems: A Survey on Theory and Applications", IEEE Access, 2022.
- Tianlun Hu and Qi Liao. "Real-time camera localization with deep learning and sensor fusion", in IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC). 2021.
- Qi Liao. "SLAMORE: SLAM with object recognition for 3D radio environment reconstruction", in IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 2020.
- Renato L. Cavalcante, Qi Liao and Slawomir Stanczak. "Connections between spectral properties of asymptotic mappings and solutions to wireless network problems". IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 67(10), 2747–2760, 2020.
- Emmanouil Fountoulakis, Qi Liao and Nikolaos Pappas. "An end-to-end performance analysis for service chaining in a virtualized network". IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, 1, 148–163, 2020.
- Claudia Parera, Qi Liao, Ilaria Malanchini, Cristian Tatino, Alessandro Redondi and Matteo Cesana. "Transfer learning for tilt-dependent radio map prediction". IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, 6(2), 829–843, 2020.
Qi Liao and Tianlun Hu, "Adaptive camera localization scheme for real-time end-to-end applications", NC321382. 2020
Qi Liao, Stefan Wesemann, Ilaria Malanchini and Paolo Baracca. "Haptic augmented reality assisted self-service for wireless networks." U.S. Patent Application No. 16/347,029. 2019
Qi Liao, Ilaria Malanchini, Vinay Suryaprakash, Paolo Baracca. U.S. Patent Application No. 15/799,542. 2018
Janne Ali-Tolppa, Marton Kajo, Borislava Gajic, Ilaria Malanchini, Benedek Schultza and Qi Liao (Eds.). "Towards Cognitive Autonomous Networks: Network Management Automation for 5G and Beyond, Chapter: Cognitive Autonomy for Network Self-Healing". Wiley Online Library. 2020
Stephen Mwanje, Naseer Ul-Islam Mohammed and Qi Liao (Eds.). "Towards Cognitive Autonomous Networks: Network Management Automation for 5G and Beyond, Chapter: Cognitive Autonomy for Network-Optimization". Wiley Online Library. 2020