- Harvard Robotics Lab / Xerox imaging systems - USA: post-doctoral researcher: image segmentation for typewriting OCR – published at IEEE CVPR’94, IS&T SPIE, IAPR DAS
- IRESTE (University of Nantes) - France: Researcher and Lecturer: image segmentation for handwriting Optical Character Recognition (OCR) – published at ICDAR
- Société 2001 SA - France: computer graphics for cartoons: Expert designer: hand drawing vectorization – demonstrated at 22nd ACM SIGGAPH – Los Angeles
Engineering Master's degree in Applied Mathematics - Paris IX Dauphine
PhD in applied Mathematics and Image Analysis – INRIA & University of Paris 9 Dauphine (Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique) : Stereovision, image segmentation and matching, linear mapping, classification
Standardization: IETF ALTO
“ALTO Cost Calendar”, S. Randriamasy (editor) (ALU), R. Yang (Yale), Q. Wu (Huawei), L. Deng (China Mobile), N. Schwan (Thales), IETF draft draft-randriamasy-alto-cost-calendar-02, October 24th 2014,
“Multi-Cost ALTO”, S. Randriamasy (editor) and W. Roome and N. Schwan, IETF draft draft-randriamasy-alto-multi-cost-09, October 27th 2014,
"ALTO Traffic Engineering Cost Metrics", Q. Wu (Huawei), Y. Yang (Yale University), Y. Lee (Huawei), D. Dhody (Huawei), S. Randriamasy (Alcatel-Lucent), IETF draft-wu-alto-te-metrics-05, October 27th 2014,
"ALTO Cost Value Name", S. Randriamasy, IETF draft-randriamasy-alto-cost-value-name-00, July 16th, 2013,
«ALTO in Mobile Core”, Y. El Mghazli, S. Randriamasy (editor), F. Taburet, October 23 2010,
“Provider Confidential ALTO with Relays”, S. Randriamasy, IETF draft draft-randriamasy-alto-relay-01, April 15, 2011,
Publications in international conferences, journals including
Networking: IEEE GLOBECOM QoEMC workshop, IEEE INFOCOM demo session, ISCC (IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications), EuroNGI
Operations research for networking: Invited paper at EURO/INFORMS (Institute For Operations Research and the Management Sciences), 4OR (Operations Research), ROADEF’2003 (Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision)
Computer vision: CVPR (Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition). Live demo at ACM SIGGRAPH (Special Interest Group in GRAPHics). IAPR: ICDAR (International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition), DAS (Document Analysis Systems), MVA (Machine Vision and Applications). IS&T: SPIE (Society of Photographic Instrumentation Engineers), TSI (Traitement du Signal), ISPRS (International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing).
List available upon request, see also on:
13 Active patents (with grants in multiple countries)
Technical fields of published patents:
cellular traffic: traffic map refinement, radio resources management and reservation, handover and scanning enhancement,
ALTO: architecture and protocol extensions,
wireless/LTE networks: multipath routing in wireless meshes, application awareness,
IP and MPLS Routing: distributed multi-criteria and multi-path routing, synchronization of distributed decisions, distributed load balancing
- Book chapter co-author in: Architecture and Design for the Future Internet: 4WARD Project (Springer),
- Book chapter author in:Document Analysis Systems (World Scientific).
List available upon request, see also on:
Previous research activities at ALU
Algorithms, prototypes and simulation for:
optimized Mobility in wireless networks: WiMAX handovers and scanning,
optimized IP/MPLS multi-path routing - with end to end flow simulation,
multi-time scale traffic analysis, cellular traffic map refinement,
Geographical Information Systems: image analysis,
Probability, linear and convex optimization, dynamic systems, active contours.
Academic collaborations: INRIA, University of Valenciennes
European research projects: EU PF8 Project: SmartenIT, EU FP7 projects: MEDIEVAL, 4WARD, NOBEL. EU Celtic project: MEVICO. Task lead, technical contributions.
French ANRT research project: PYTHIE - project coordinator