Sahil Tikale is a Web3 Researcher at the Decentralized Systems Research (SDSR) in Murray Hill, NJ. Sahil's research interests include designing, building, and evaluating cloud-scale systems. He recently completed his PhD in Computer Engineering from Boston University, where his research focused on the efficiency of multiplexing bare-metal servers at scale in a multi-cloud environment. His research explored the use of market-based economic models for bare-metal resource allocation between clusters hosted within a co-located data center. Before pursuing his PhD, Sahil accumulated over a decade of industry experience, during which he managed critical 24/7 IT infrastructure for clients across the Banking, Government, and Research sectors in India, Singapore, and the USA.
- PhD in Computer Engineering, Boston University, USA
- Master in Information Systems, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
- Bachelor of Engineering in Rubber Technology, L. D. College of Engineering, Gujarat, India
"Market-driven Elastic Secure Infrastructure." Sahil Tikale Ph.D. Dissertation, Boston University 2023.
“Supporting security sensitive tenants in a bare-metal cloud ”, Amin Mosayyebzadeh, Apoorve Mohan, Sahil Tikale, Mania Abdi, Nabil Schear, Trammell Hudson, Charles Munson, Larry Rudolph, Gene Cooperman, Peter Desnoyers, Orran Krieger
USENIX Annual Technical Conference (ATC 19), 2019. -
“M2: Malleable Metal as a Service” Apoorve Mohan, Ata Turk, Ravi S Gudimetla, Sahil Tikale, Jason Hennesey, Ugur Kaynar, Gene Cooperman, Peter Desnoyers, Orran Krieger
IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering, IC2E 2018. -
“A secure cloud with minimal provider trust” Amin Mosayyebzadeh, Gerardo Ravago, Apoorve Mohan, Ali Raza, Sahil Tikale, Nabil Schear, Trammell Hudson, Jason Hennessey, Naved Ansari, Kyle Hogan, Charles Munson, Larry Rudolph, Gene Cooperman, Peter Desnoyers, Orran Krieger 10th {USENIX} Workshop on Hot Topics in Cloud Computing (HotCloud 18), 2018.
“HIL: Designing an Exokernel for the Data Center.” Jason Hennessey, Sahil Tikale , Ata Turk, Emine Ugur Kaynar, Chris Hill, Peter Desnoyers, Orran Krieger. In Proceedings of the Seventh ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing, 155–168. SoCC 2016.
“An Experiment on Bare-Metal BigData Provisioning” Turk Ata, Ravi S. Gudimetla, Emine Ugur Kaynar, Jason Hennessey, Sahil Tikale, Peter Desnoyers, Orran Krieger
USENIX HotCloud 2016. -
“Recursive Hardware-as-a-Service (rHaaS) and Fast Provisioning." Tikale Sahil, Mike Reavey, Laura Kamfonik, Quentin Li, Ian Denhardt, Jason Hennessey, and Orran Krieger. Poster presented at Graduate Research Symposium 2015
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