Since 2021, I am with Nokia Bell Labs France, pursuing a CIFRE PhD fellowship. My work focuses on the emerging topic of connection density maximization in massive machine type communication networks through stochastic optimization. From 2018 to 2021, I worked with the Centre for Industrial Consultancy and Sponsored Research, IIT Madras as a project associate, working on various collaborative projects between industries and government institutions. I have experience with setting up and evaluating tailor-made communication systems for mission-critical scenarios. Recently, I have started working on exploring graph neural network-based frameworks to solve resource allocation problems in wireless systems. My work consists of developing optimization frameworks for optimal and approximate radio resource allocation using traditional convex and non-convex techniques along with state-of-the-art machine learning paradigms.
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It is not knowledge, but the act of learning, not the possession of but the act of getting there, which grants the greatest enjoyment.
- B.E. Electronics and Communication Engineering (with highest honors), BIT Mesra, India - 2017
- M.S. Wireless Communication, IIT Madras, India - 2021.
- S. Mishra, L. Salaün, C. S. Chen, and K. Giridhar, “Analysis of Downlink Connectivity in NB-IoT Networks Employing NOMA with Imperfect SIC,” in 2021 European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC), 2021, pp. 520–525.
- S. Mishra, L. Salaün, C. W. Sung, and C. S. Chen, “Downlink Connection Density Maximization for NB-IoT Networks using NOMA with Perfect and Partial CSI,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, pp. 1–1, 2021.
- S. Mishra, L. Salaün, and C. S. Chen, “Maximizing Connection Density in NB-IoT Networks with NOMA,” in 2020 IEEE 91st Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2020-Spring), 2020, pp. 1–6.
- S. Mishra and A. Pandey, “Hybrid peak-to-average power ratio reduction technique for sub-carrier index modulated OFDM,” in 2017 International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication (ICSPC), July 2017, pp.117–121.
- S. Mishra and A. Agarwal, “Peak to average power ratio reduction in sub-carrier Index Modulated OFDM using selective mapping,” in 2017 International Conference on Computer, Communications and Electronics (Comptelix), July 2017, pp. 168–171