Originally from Taiwan, Tzu-Yung Huang is an Opto-Electronic Integration Researcher at Nokia Bell Labs in Murray Hill, NJ, USA. They received their Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Pennsylvania in 2022 after receiving their B.S.E. in Electrical Engineering from Princeton University.
Yung's research interests span across nanophotonics, integrated optical devices, and spin qubit systems. Prior to joining Bell Labs, they demonstrated the first immersion metalens coupled to a single quantum emitter in the solid-state and developed novel architectures for integrated quantum devices for communication and sensing. They have worked to improve coupling and measurement efficiency of solid-state quantum devices through optimization of optical interfaces and qubit initialization protocols. At Bell Labs, they are continuing the development of novel integrated architectures of communication and sensing devices.
Yung was named an ECEDHA iREDEFINE fellow and an EECS Rising Star in 2020. They were also a Fontaine Society Fellow of University of Pennsylvania.
R. E. K. Fishman, R. N. Patel, D. A. Hopper, T.-Y. Huang, and L. C. Bassett, "Photon-Emission-Correlation Spectroscopy as an Analytical Tool for Solid-State Quantum Defects," Phys. Rev. X Quantum 4(1), 010202 (2023).
K. Omirzakhov, M. H. Idjadi, T.-Y. Huang, S. A. Breitweiser, D. A. Hopper, L. C. Bassett, and F. Aflatouni, "An Integrated Quantum Spin Control System in 180nm CMOS," 2022 IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Symposium (RFIC), paper RM01C-1.
R. N. Patel, D. A. Hopper, J. A. Gusdorff, M. E. Turiansky, T.-Y. Huang, R. E. K. Fishman, B. Porat, C. V. G. de Walle, and L. C. Bassett, "Probing the Optical Dynamics of Quantum Emitters in Hexagonal Boron Nitride," Phys. Rev. X. Quantum 3(3), 030331 (2022).
H. J. Shulevitz, T.-Y. Huang, J. Xu, S. J. Neuhaus, R. N. Patel, Y. C. Choi, L. C. Bassett, and C. R. Kagan, "Template-assisted self-assemblby of fluorescent nanodiamonds for scalable quantum technologies," ACS Nano, 16 (2), 1847-1856 (2022).
D. A. Hopper, J. D. Lauigan, T.-Y. Huang, and L. C. Bassett, "Real-time charge initialization of diamond nitrogen-vacancy centers for enhanced spin readout," Phys. Rev. Appl. 13(2), 024016 (2020).
T.-Y. Huang, R. R. Grote, S. A. Mann, D. A. Hopper, A. L. Exarhos, G. G. Lopez, A. R. Klein, E. C. Garnett, and L. C. Bassett, "A monolithic immersion metalens for imaging solid-state quantum emitters," Nat. Commun. 10(1), 2392 (2019).
S. Liakat, K. A. Bors, T.-Y. Huang, A. P. M. Michel, E. Zanghi, and C. F. Gmachl, "In vitro measurements of physological glucose concentrations in biological fluids using mid-infrared spectroscopy," Bio. Opt. Express 4, 1083-1090 (2013).
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