Family from India. Born in the UK
Grew up in the 'burbs in NY.
Enjoys Travel, Hiking, Woodworking, Chess, Martial Arts, Science Fiction and keeping up with my two delightful daughters :)
Teaches Zoroastrian History
Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering (Human Factors), Pennsylvania State University Aug '98
Dissertation: “The Evaluation of Human-Computer Interfaces Using Eye Motion Behavior.” - Developed and evaluated a series of quantitative measures to characterize user eye scan paths as a tool to evaluate the quality of software interfaces.
M.S. in Industrial Engineering (Human Factors), Pennsylvania State University Aug '90
Thesis: "Mental Rotation of Topographic Maps About Multiple Axes." - Examined the validity of visual mapping versus verbal coding theory when applied to multi‑axial rotation of complex topographic maps.
B.S. in Engineering Psychology (Human Factors Engineering), Tufts University May '88
Kotval, Xerxes P., and Burns, Michael J. (2013), "Visualization of Entities Within Social Media: Toward Understanding Users' Needs." Bell Labs Technical Journal: Human Science and User Experience, Vol. 17(4). pp. 77-101
Burns, Michael J., and Kotval, Xerxes P. (2013), "Questions about Questions: Investigating How Knowledge Workers Ask and Answer Questions." Bell Labs Technical Journal: Human Science and User Experience, Vol. 17(4). pp.43-61
Giusti, Leonardo, Kotval, Xerxes P., et al. "Workspace Configurations: Setting the Stage for Remote Collaboration on Physical Tasks." NordiCHI '12 Proceedings of the 7th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction: Making Sense Through Design, pp. 351-360
Coyle, C., Kotval, X., Santos, P. & Vaughn, H. (2007). “Evolution of a Heuristic Evaluation Process at a Telecommunications Company.” (IASTED-HCI 2007), Chamonix, France.
Coyle, C., Iden, R., Kotval, X, Santos, P. & Vaughn, H. (2007). “Heuristic Evaluations at Bell Labs: Analyses of Evaluator Overlap and Group Session.” CHI 2007 – Experience Report, San Jose, CA, pp.1729-1734.
P. Santos, and X. Kotval. Distributed Use of Context in Communications Networks. Workshop on Innovative Mobile Applications of Context (Mobile HCI 2006). September 2006.
Kotval, X.P., Burns, M.J., and Capawanna, L. (2000), The OneWeb Initiative, WebTech 2000
Goldberg, Joseph .H., and Kotval, Xerxes. P. (1999), "Computer Interface Evaluation Using Eye Movements: Methods and Constructs," International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, Vol. 24 (8), pp. 631 – 645.
Kotval, Xerxes. P., and Goldberg, Joseph. H. (1998), "Eye Movements and Interface Components Grouping: An Evaluation Method," Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Santa Monica, CA, pp.486-490.
Goldberg, Joseph .H., and Kotval, Xerxes. P. (1998), "Eye Movement-Based Evaluation of the Computer Interface," in Kumar, S. K. (Ed.), Advances in Occupational Ergonomics and Safety, Amsterdam: IOS Press, pp. 529-532.
Goldberg, J. H., Kotval, X. P., and Rantanen, E. (1996), "Demonstration: A Hypertext Database for the Design of Visual Inspection Operations," Proceedings of the 40th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Human Factors and Ergonomics Society: Santa Monica, CA, p. 861
Tomasi, L. T., Kotval, X. P., and Sherrard, J. R. (1992), "The Application of Human Factors in a Nuclear Compact Simulator Upgrade Project.", Simulator IX - Proceedings of the 1992 Society for Computer Simulation MultiConference, Vol. 24(4), pp. 96-100.
Goldberg, J. H., Mac Eachren, A. M., Kotval, X. P. (1992), "Mental Image Transformations in Terrain Map Comparison.", Cartographica, Vol. 29(2), pp. 46-59.
Board of Certified Professional Ergonomists: Certified Human Factors Professional (CHFP) – License #1040
US20130005351 A1, Methods and System for Broadcasting the Location of a device; Burns, Michael, Kotval, Xerxes, Schott, Peter
WO/2013/002927 A1 Methods and System for Broadcasting the Location of a device; Burns, Michael, Kotval, Xerxes, Schott, Peter