Hazard Recognition

The Hazard Recognition challenge is open to Nokia and suppliers.
Starting on 26 April we’ll launch a series of short games related to health, safety and security across Nokia’s varied operations.
- Download or open the Nokia Learn App using the QR code shown. It works on either mobile or desktop.
- Follow our characters through scenarios where hazards are everywhere, from customer sites and the office to the open roads.
- Select the correct controls in each situation to prevent serious injury or even death, and watch your character return home safely to their family at the end of the day. There are many scenarios for you to get involved with.
- Winners will be the ones who correctly selected the most correct controls.
Although the scenarios are a game, on a more serious note they represent real situations and real risks to you, your colleagues and our suppliers. People Safety & Security are here to help you with any concerns or questions, so please reach out to us if you want to speak up about anything.