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Events surrounding the formation of the Subsection on Statistics in Marketing are recounted. The Subsection's original charter and its roster of officers are reviewed.

A wideband digital switch intended for future visual and data communication needs such as facsimile, electronic mail, computer communications, voice, broadcast television, two-way video, and other

A brief introduction to the ABINIT software package is given.

In today's complex networks, a series of seemingly unrelated and minor events over an extended time period can escalate to catastrophic failure as well as alter the network's security posture.

The world of the Mobile Operator was rocked with the first auctions of 3G spectrum in Europe in the year 2000.

A broad-band monolithic integrated active frequency doubler operating in DC-120 GHz frequency range is presented and compared with several previous versions.

By molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) we have grown a quarter-wave stack of lattice-match Al(0.1)Ga(0.9)As/Ca(0.45)Sr(0.55) F (2) multilayer heterostructure which has high reflectivity (89%) over a broad

An active star architecture is shown to provide efficient broad- band communications in a photonic Local-Area Network.

A STANDARD noise source, such as a hot resistance or a temperature ^ limited diode, has been used advantageously for making measurements of the noise figure of radio receivers in the short-wave and

In this paper, a novel broadband planar antenna based on the classic Yagi-Uda dipole array is presented. This ``quasi-Yagi{''} antenna achieves a measured 48% bandwidth for VSWR