This is an exciting time for statistics and computing: current research is exploring new ideas of fundamental importance to how statistics is done, and many of the ideas are also pushing at fronti
A concatenated coding scheme with 3 codes is studied. A product code is used for the outer code, and the super channel including the inner code with Viterbi decoding is supposed bursty.
The development of diamond overlayers with high crystalline quality for high power devices in Si, GaAs or GaN, aimed at heat extraction from the top, has been a quest for many years.
Event correlation is a key functionality of a network management system that is used to determine the root cause of faults in a network, and to filter out redundant and spurious events.
Graphics systems, and window systems in particular, are complex to program.
The topology of a wireless multi-hop network can be controlled by varying the transmission power at each node.
The device described in this place implements a 2-stage search algorithm for determining the best-match over a set of rules that are described as arbitrary ranges in 5-dimensions.
A report of the confocal laser package development is presented.
Minimum optical feedback, from the coupling optics of semiconductor laser packages is required in order to reduce spectral instabilities and laser intensity noise.
AbstractFollowing the constant increase of the multimedia traffic, it seems necessary to allow transport protocols to be aware of the video quality of the transmitted flows rather than the through