We present a new algorithm for state assignment designed for use with multi-level logic optimization algorithms.
For the case of a large community of secure communications, use is often made of a Key Distribution Center (KDC) to manage the session keys for two communicating terminals.
An interface evolution equation has been formulated to describe bombardment induced etching by an axisymetric angular distribution of energetic particles where the yield per incident particle is as
The Knockout Switch is a new packet switch architecture recently proposed for Local Area Networks, multiprocessing, and local or toll interconnects.
The Knockout Switch is a new packet switch architecture recently proposed for Local Area Networks, multiprocessing, and local or toll interconnects.
This paper discusses: (1) factors that significantly contribute to software complexity and hence make the software project management task difficult; (2) what knowledge based technology is; (3) asp
The Critical Decision Method is a structured interview method for eliciting expert knowledge.
Artificial intelligence and expert system technologies offer considerable promise for addressing many of the problems associated with the performance and management of multiservice communication ne
Semantic query optimization is a technique for optimizing database queries that uses semantic knowledge about the database to produce more efficient queries.
PROSE is a knowledge-based configurator platform for telecommunications products.