In the past, the development of new silicon integrated circuit processes was impeded by the fact that an adequate set of simple test structures usually could not be fabricated without resorting to
We transmit 40 Gb/s optical packets through a load-balanced optical packet router consisting of two 16 x 16 arrayed waveguide gratings, wavelength converters, and an optical-time buffer.
We propose a new routing algorithm in k-ary n-cube interconnection networks which is adaptive, livelock-free, balances the load across the network, and preserves the sequence of packets belonging t
A reliable empirical pseudopotential method of computing the near gap band structures and optical matrix elements of strained Si/Ge superlattices has been developed.
We describe a data compression scheme that exploits locality of reference, such as occurs when words are used frequently over short intervals and then fall into long periods of disuse.
We show that the first two terms in the power series of F (x) at x sub 0 serve as a good approximation to F(x) in a suitable ellipsoid around x sub 0, and that minimizing the first order (linear) t
The Long Term Evolution (LTE) is a new radio access technology (RAT) which is currently being deployed on top of the second generation (2G) or third generation (3G) mobile networks.
Line-rate data traffic monitoring in high-speed networks is essential for network management.
This paper describes a high-voltage integrated circuit designed to replace three mechanical relays, a relay driver and a comparator.
A high-voltage integrated circuit designed to replace three mechanical relays, two latches, a relay-driver and a comparator is described in this paper.