LOW-VOLTAGE, high-current, regulated power supplies, such as are used in transistor computers, present an overload protection problem.
The properties of ferrimagnetic amorphous Tb-Fe prepared by magnetron cosputtering over a range of composition from 9 to 40 at.%Tb have been extensively examined.
Y ) R accurate determinations of hysteresis loops and initial magnetization curves of magnetic specimens, a laborious routine involving the use of a ballistic galvanometer is usually necessary.
' I ^HERE probably are few persons who have not had the experience of standing near some telephone or telegraph line out in the open and hearing the singing of the wires resulting from the wind blo
As the Internet evolves toward the global multiservice network of the future, a key consideration is support for services with guaranteed quality of service.
As the wireless world is rapidly evolving towards the ``Beyond the 3rd Generation{''} (B3G) era, communication infrastructures need to tackle external conditions that are continuously changing, and
Recognition of symmetry in circuit design often can drastically reduce the problem of finding the least expensive circuit configuration.
We develop a multi-attribute approach to market analysis and product design that applies to a variety of large and complex industrial products in competitive markets including switching and transmi
Distributed Web sites require allocation mechanisms to dispatch request in a scalable and controllable manner among a set of replicated servers.
We study the performance of a statistical multiplexer whose inputs consist of a superposition of packetized voice sources and data.