Defects in factory production can result from many explanatory causes, or their interactions.
A proposed domestic satellite system for the 20- and 30-GHz radio bands includes a multibeam satellite antenna.
The IEEE standard 802.16x based broadband wireless access is a promising technology to provide wireless broadband connectivity.
Over-The-Top (OTT) video services are becoming more and more important in today's broadband access networks.
Multichannel acoustic echo cancellation is basically composed of two parts. One pail is a multichannel system identification problem which is nontrivial to solve.
DASH - (lapD Adapter for Spyder-t Hdlc channels) is a VLSI protocol controller designed to perform the LAPD protocol when used in combination with a SPYDER-T device.
A new local network architecture is presented which appears particularly well suited for lightwave implementation.
We consider a four-class two-station network with feedback, with fluid inputs and a head-of-the-line generalized processor sharing discipline at each station.
We present a multi-device and multi-modal dataset, called WEEE, collected from 17 participants while they were performing different physical activities.
Latent relationship discovery, such as the recommendation of potential friends, is a common feature in many social networking sites such as Facebook.