We propose and demonstrate a new technique for measuring the modal power distribution of light launched into a multimode fiber.
This article studies the multi-hoist cyclic scheduling problem in electroplating lines where the processing time of parts in each tank must be within given lower and upper limits and part moves bet
This paper presents a technique of Probabilistic Estimation of Digital Circuit Testability (PREDICT). Node controllabilities, observabilities, and detectabilities are defined as probabilities.
A representation for preferences between uncertain acts that is not unduly more complex than the Ramsey-Savage model can simultaneously accommodate Allais's paradox, Ellsberg's paradox, preference
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are expected to be deployed for long periods of time, and the nodes are likely to need software updates during their lifetime, both for bug fixes and in order to sup
The large mixing (mass) (LMA) -MSW model of solar neutrinos (nu-e) is now widely held to be near definitive, based on global consistency with data.
The large mixing mass (LMA)-MSW model of solar neutrinos (nu sub e) is now iwdely held to be near definitive, based on global consistency with data.
Adsorption and desorption of molecules on compensated semiconductor crystals causes dramatic changes in their electrical resistance due to band bending and can be used for very sensitive detection
A new continuous-time all-MOS universal filter structure is proposed. The new structure is based on the MOSFET-C design approach.
Multi-core digital signal processor (DSP) and system on chip (SoC) are widely used in Long Term Evolution (LTE) L1 development since 5 years ago.