In this paper, a novel variable power divider based on varactor diodes is introduced and described in detail. Its main components are 3-dB couplers, varactor diodes and lumped elements.
It has been proposed that a matrix is a good method to express and arrange the traffic demand in a WDM ring, and problems in ring design can be converted into matrix construction and operation.
This paper describes the fabrication, and structural and electrical characterization of a new, aerosol-nanocrystal floating-gate FET, aimed at non-volatile memory (NVM) applications.
This paper describes the fabrication, and structural and electrical characterization of a new, aerosol-nanocrystal floating-gate FET, aimed at non-volatile memory (NVM) applications.
We construct a wavefunction, generalizing the well known Moore- Read Pfaffian, that describes spinless electrons at filling fraction nu = 2/5 (or bosons at filling fraction nu = 2/3) as the ground
Wetherell recently described an algebra of error values that could be added to the ordinary arithmetic of a programming language.
By considering the time-dependent wave equation, an approximate solution for a narrow-band, forward-traveling pulse is derived as a split-step algorithm.
By considering the time-dependent wave equation, an approximate solution for a narrow-band, forward-traveling pulse is derived as a split-step algorithm.
Several design proposals have been made earlier for congestion controls, end-to-end protocols, buffer sizing and other issues of data networks with high transmission rates and non-negligible, non-s
One-warehouse multi-retailer systems under periodic review have been studied extensively in the literature. The optimal policy has not been characterized yet.