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Designing a videocodec involves a four-way tradeoff among computational complexity, data rate, picture quality, and latency.

Designing a videocodec involves a four-way tradeoff among computational complexity, data rate, picture quality, and latency, Rapid advancement in very large-scale integration technology has provide

1,4-Trans-polybutadiene has been studied by high resolution state carbon-13 NMR spectroscopy as its crystalline inclusion compound with perhydrotriphenylene (PHTP).

A cell to permit in-situ imaging of the electrodeposition of silver on gold from a polymer electrolyte by TEM is described.

l.i Guided Millimeter-Wave Communication Systems High-speed, long-haul communication by means of millimeter waves transmitted in the circular-electric mode in a multimode circular waveguide was des

Electronic devices based on organic semiconductors offer an attractive alternative to conventional inorganic devices due to potentially lower costs, simpler packaging and compatibility with flexibl

K N O W L E D G E of the magnitude and phase relation of power system voltages and currents for various types of faults in threephase systems is of importance in the study of various problems, amon

Studies have shown that topological differences can result in significant differences in phase noise of oscillators under other-wise identical conditions.

Ubiquitous digital devices with rich media processing and networking capabilities open an avenue for enriching user experiences, especially in video voice over IP communication sessions because a c

The general problem involved in the design of a system suitable to be used to record and reproduce sounds such as are required for " t a l k i n g " motion pictures is outlined.

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