Set-membership identification (SMI) is cast in the statistical framework of M-estimation.
Recently, HTTP Adaptive Streaming is a de facto video delivery mechanism which adapts video quality to user-specific circumstance for better QoE.
An important problem in software testing is the efficient generation of test cases.
1.1 Object of Study The goal of this study is determining a speech level measure ideally having the following properties: (1.) It is objective, and is not based on the judgment of an observer.
This paper presents some statistics from the rainfall data collected on a rain gauge network during the period from June 1 to November 30, 1967.
The analogy between combinatorial optimization problems and systems with many degrees of freedom and competing interactions studied in statistical mechanics has led to the use of simulated annealin
The results of indoor multipath propagation measurements using 10-ns, 1.5-GHz, radar-like pulses are presented for a medium-size office building.
We present a statistical model for the dynamics of the envelope of the received signal in narrowband urban fixed wireless links, with applications to the performance evaluation of diversity receive
Occurrences of multipath fading limit the performance quality of high-speed digital radio systems operating on line-of-sight microwave radio paths.
The secrecy rate of Wyner wiretap channels is analyzed for general classes of sources, sensing schemes, and channel distributions.