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This presentation is a review of the basic theory and some recent developments in the theory of multiple-window spectrum estimation methods.

Lossy decode-and-forward (DF) relaying, also referred to as lossy forwarding (LF), can significantly enhance the transmission reliability and expand the communication coverage at the cost of a smal

Automatic speech recognition (ASR) research has progressed from the recognition of read speech to the recognition of spontaneous conversational speech in the past decade, prompting some in the fiel

Through most of the nearly 25 year history of Silicon integrated Circuits, various silicides have been employed for critical applications extending from ohmic contracts to Schottky barriers to poly

This paper reviews the work done in the past decade on one- dimensional sticks compaction - the automatic generation of compact, correct layouts from symbolic layouts.

A R E wires supported on insulators, stretched between poles, make up the pioneer electrical communication circuit, the openwire line.

The introduction of digital transmission technology into the local loop and digital switching into the local exchange have made the transmission of digital data to the customer feasible.

One-dimensional continuation techniques, which are well-established, compute the solution curve to a non-linear system of n equations in n+1 unknowns.

We consider a loss model with C servers, and arriving customers are split into two classes. Of the C servers, R may be used only by the high priority class.

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