We experimentally demonstrate an O-band single-lane 200 Gb/s intensity modulation direct detection (IM/DD) transmission system using a low-chirp, broadband, and high-power directly modulated laser
A high-quality multichannel radio link of this type, incorporating one relay station, was recently completed.
Fiber represents a major source of future service opportunities for network providers. Planning for fiber support is in the early phase.
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We demonstrate WDM transmission of 85.2 Gbit/s DQPSK signals with 100 GHz channel spacing in a recirculating loop with 5ÃÂ100 km NZDSF spans and hybrid Raman/EDFA amplification.
We demonstrate 2000-km non-zero dispersion fiber transmission of ten 107-Gb/s return-to-zero differential quadrature phase shift keyed (RZ-DQPSK) signals (1 Tb/s capacity at 0.7 bits/s/Hz spectral
We demonstrate 200Gb/s bidirectional transmission over 20km of step-index FMF fiber using selective excitation of 4 mode groups, direct detection and a single laser in each propagative direction.
We demonstrate a total of 200Gbits/s bidirectional transmission (100Gbits in each direction) over 4.4km of OM2 fibre with direct detection and a selective excitation of 4 mode groups thanks to mode
An unique time-interleaved dual injection locking scheme has been devised to enable ultra high-speed and low-power frequency division with extended frequency locking range.
We demonstrate an on-off keyed transmitter with direct detection, at record symbol rates of 204Gbaud and 140Gbaud, over 10km and 80km, respectively, powered by a high-speed InP-based 2:1 selector a
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