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A modified decision feedback equalizer (MDFE) which can compensate for error propagation was derived by Jung-Tao Lui and Gelfand (see Thirty-Six Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control

When attacking a distributed protocol, an adaptive adversary is able to decide its actions (e.g., which parties to corrupt) at any time based on its entire view of the protocol including the entire

This paper investigates how different add/drop architectures in the wavelength routing optical cross-connects influence the benefit of elastic spectral efficiency, in scenario of long haul meshed W

N the paper of the above title in the January 1937 issue of the Bell System Technical Journal, an approximation which was not explicitly pointed out was made in deriving equation (17).

I owe the following remarks, which help to complete the record, to Emile Yaulot: 1.

This memorandum describes an interface circuit to convert the parallel port (of a Teletype 5620 Dot Mapped Display terminal) to an IEEE- 488 bus controller.

Inheritance in C++ provides a type-safe way for existing code to manipulate objects of a derived class, since an object of a derived class (a subtype) can appear where an object of a base class (a

Modeling execution as partial orders increases the flexibility in reasoning about concurrent programs by allowing the use of alternative, equivalent execution sequences.

A new package of hardware and software enables AT&T's UNIX PC computer to take phone messages, digitize speech, and deliver spoken messages to one person or to many.

This paper is a compendium of results based upon a simple observation: two information symbols can be appended to the code words of certain BCH codes without weakening the error correction capabili

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How Nokia Bell Labs re-conceptualized the cellular network for the Moon