Circuit packs designed today frequently use complex VLSI devices which are obtained from outside vendors, such as microprocessors and digital signal processors.
A series of experiments that clarify how air bubbles become entrained into coatings are described.
Entrapment of small air bubbles is a problem for continuous liquid-film coatings processes.
High bandwidth everywhere is a key requirement of future communication systems. The big challenge is that the mobile user also be able to benefit.
In early generations of mobile communication systems, Air Interface capacity dimensioning was being done by estimating the total number of channels needed by a certain number of users, while mainta
To meet the explosive growth in traffic during the next twenty years, 5G systems using local area networks need to be developed.
This paper describes the approach adopted by EU H2020 / 5G-PPP project "METIS-II" for a harmonized 5G air interface (AI) design, based on a suitability assessment framework for 5G AI candidates.
This paper deals with the analysis of possible air interfaces to be employed in order to provide digital TV services to high speed trains via satellite.
Historically, maximum air throughput was governed by the physical and mathematical laws put forth by scientists such as Harry Nyquist and Claude Shannon.
A copper/air-gap interconnection structure using a sacrificial polymer and SiO2 in a damascene process has been demonstrated.