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This paper is the second phase of an analysis that provides methods to improve the impact that product packaging, used for shipment and storage, can have on overall reliability and environmental pe

At the request of the National Communications System, AT&T recently conducted and EMP assessment of the 5ESS(TM) Switch.

A new type of parallel-processing associative memory was made using analog amplifiers interconnected through a matrix of amorphous silicon resistors.

An analog mobile fronthaul for UDN is proposed using off-the-shelf real-time ADCs in ONUs.

An asymmetric analog fronthaul approach has been demonstrated for UDN with small cells.

When a digital communication network is used for data transmission, it may be necessary to adjust transmission rates within the network to achieve synchronization.

We study the mean delay and the mean number in queue in a single- server system whose arrivals are given by a nonhomogeneous Poisson process with rate equal to a function of the state of an indepen

We will discuss results about data sources similar to the following. See attached.

We consider a canonical revenue management problem in a network setting where the goal is to find a customer admission policy to maximize the total expected revenue over a fixed finite horizon.

This paper presents an asynchronous distributed approach for the simulation of behavior-level models representing complex digital and VLSI components on a parallel processor.