There is a growing demand that mobile networks should provide quality-of-service (QoS) to mobile users since portable devices become popular and more and more applications require real-time service
1. Introduction: Low bit rate voice coding can provide very efficient communications capability for such applications as voice storage, narrow channel transmission, and secure telephony.
Bell Labs Layers Space-Time (BLAST) is a scheme for transmitting information over a rich-scattering wireless environment using multiple receive and transmit antennas.
In the Stochastically Excited Linear Prediction (SELP) algorithm for speech coding a description of the filter coefficients and the excitation signal is transmitted.
Through the study of a linear problem, this paper introduces some of the ingredients that are needed in order to conduct efficient nonlinear calculations on composite pipes under thermornechanical
Recently there has been a resurgence of interest in quorum-based methods for maintaining consistency of a group of replicated servers as a way to achieve load balancing in addition to high availabi
A new heuristic two-dimensional symbolic layout-compaction approach is developed.
We propose an efficient two-party key cryptosystem that is secure against adaptive chosen ciphertext attack, under the Decision Diffle-Hellman (DDH) assumption.
Future wireless communication systems will provide mobile terminals with high bit-rate transmissions for accessing broadband wired networks.
An efficient I/O subsystem enables cost-effective network processing. To improve high-speed data,transfer, the I/O subsystem sends, data directly into the processing,core's register file.