The suggestions made in an earlier paper, that the calcium aluminate (CA) family of glasses should exhibit intrinsic optical losses at 1.55micron markedly lower than the 0.16 dB/km of SiO sub 2, i
Calcium channels occupy a unique position in the economy of the brain; they serve both as a port of entry for calcium, which serves as a second messenger, and in part control the input-output chara
The growth cone behaviors that are involved in the generation of neuronal cytoarchitecture are apparently regulated in quite specific ways by calcium.
A description of an ingenious machine for the use of telephone operators in recording the time of toll and trunk calls.
While Laane and Murphy 1 were investigating the encoding of speech using delta modulation (AM) 2 it became apparent to us that existing theories of granular quantizing noise3'4 were seriously defic
The magnitude and the distribution of thermally induced stresses in adhesively bonded or soldered assemblies, subjected to uniform heating or cooling, are determined by using analytical methods of
Since we started to rely more than ever on Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) in every aspect of modern life, we witness an accelerating growth in volume and complexity of drastic cy
Sponsored content is a mechanism in which content providers can pay the operator of a wireless network to make their content free to end users.
A procedure is presented for calculating the optimum Raman pump wavelengths and powers for a discrete set of lasers and for a pump continuum.
This correspondence discusses methods for computing transient performance measures for the M/M/1 queue.