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This paper analyzes how the distortion created by hardware impairments in a multiple-antenna base station (BS) affects the uplink spectral efficiency (SE), with focus on Massive MIMO (multiple-inpu

5G represents the next generation of communication networks and services, and will bring a new set of use cases and scenarios.

Metro networks, being at the meeting point between telecom operators and over-the-top service providers, are particularly well-suited to the introduction of some level of dynamics in the optical ne

Traditional urban-scale crowdsourcing approaches suffer from three caveats - lack of complete spatiotemporal coverage, lack of accurate information and lack of sustained engagement of crowd workers

Windows NT has become a widespread, general purpose operating system and is seeing increased use in real-time applications.

Mobile networks of the future (5G and beyond) are conceived to facilitate technologies that pervade daily human life and cater to every one of the numerous services these technologies solicit.

This article reports on the results of the ``I- SPEEDER{''} project, a SEA (Semiconductor Equipment Assessment) project jointly managed by three European partners : Alcatel Vacuum Technology France

In an optical cross-connect, we study how the maximum number of carriers each add/drop stage can accommodate impacts the benefit of elastic spectral efficiency based on superchannel

Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, videoconferencing has become the default mode of communication in our daily lives at homes, workplaces and schools, and it is likely to remain an import

This work considers the problem of designing management algorithms for maximizing the lifetime of static multi-hop wireless networks, while ensuring QoS requirements such as bandwidth and delay.