There exist vector Gaussian interference channels that may not satisfy the strong interference condition but for which the capacity can still be achieved by jointly decoding the signal and the inte
This paper presents three approaches to estimate the required resources in an infrastructure where digital TV channels can be delivered in unicast or multicast (broadcast) mode.
Heterogeneous cellular networks are composed of a mixture of macro and small (pico) cells embedded in the macro network.
The capacity of ideal MIMO channels has a high-SNR slope that equals the minimum of the number of transmit and receive antennas.
¢ Shannon's information theory allows to determine an asymptote of the channel information rate for a signal impaired by additive white Gaussian noise ⢠Determining the limiting information rate
We present nonlinear fiber capacity estimate calculations for various types of single-mode fibers and introduce an analytic formula that closely matches simulations.
Optical networks are the backbone of our information society and the single-mode optical fibre is its transmission medium.
The instantaneous optical Kerr effect in optical fibers is a nonlinear phenomenon that imposes limits on the ability of fiber-optic communication systems to transport information.
We describe a method to estimate the capacity limit of fiber-optic communication systems (or "fiber channels") based on information theory. The paper is divided into two parts.
The behavior of training-based multiple-input multiple-output wireless communications over correlated channels is studied in the low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) regime from an energy efficiency per