GaN thin films, grown by the lateral epitaxial overgrowth (LEO) method are studied by scanning confocal Raman microscopsuring changes in longitudinal optical phonon-plasmon frequencies and using a
By means of cleaved-edge overgrowth method with molecular beam epitaxy and growth interrupt annealing, we fabricated (110) GaAs quantum wells having atomically flat interfaces.
We have measured the first infrared luminescence spectra of In0.53Ga0.47As with 10 psec time resolution.
Ethernet is becoming one of the dominant aggregation technologies for carrier transport networks. Because it is a LAN technology, native bridged Ethernet does not fulfil all carrier requirements.
We have furthered our understanding of the collisional excitation of carriers at semiconductor surfaces by hyperthermal neutral atoms with additional experiments and analyses.
We have measured the excitation yield for carriers produced at the outermost atomic layer of a GaAs(110) surface by impinging hyperthermal Xe and Kr neutral atoms.
The following is a short summary manuscript for inclusion in the Springer-Verlag book of the proceedings of the Solvay Conference on Surface Science, held December 14-18, 1987 in Austin, Texas.
In a practical installation the one-way paths would be shielded from each other either by placing them in separate cables or by placing them in a single cable divided into two electrical compartmen
Measurements of the carrier induced refractive index change in AlGaAs quantum well lasers are presented which show that the guided mode in single quantum well lasers exhibits a small ((delta)n/(d
In this paper, we describe a new carrier phase estimator, called TD estimator, suited to transmission schemes based on convolutional turbo-codes.